Discussion for article #222407
Yet Major Garrett and other White House Press Corps bozos insist that Fox reporters are true journalists.
Yes yes I’m sure all 1 - 2 million average daily viewers (< 0.5% of the population) are quite outraged. Regrettably, the keel-over rate does not match the replacement rate so even that noise shrinketh by the hour.
Why any attention is paid to FOX news can only be explained by the same fascination with car crashes. Can’t… look… away…
I was hoping to see the gruesome discovery at the bachelor party. Come on TPM, where are your journalistic standards???
Well, c’mon. It’s an election year. If it doesn’t make The Fox-Toxxed demo angry or scared, it’s “propaganda.”
What they are doing is trying to define their opponents early, just like Obama did to Mittens. The problem is, a Kookfart is useless at defining someone and it has about as much for legs as a snake.
That’s what you call fair and balanced: Everybody gets to be quoted talking about Benghazi equally.
Faux News’ new slogan: “We’re no longer even pretending to be fair and balanced. We hate the black man in the White House, and we don’t care who knows it.”
How about from now on we just call them Fox, because surely they are not a news station by any one’s stretch of the imagination.
Fair and Balanced. Yessirree
Fox News is a national embarrassment.
Hey Fox…you say that as though you expect someone…anyone to be surprised at your naked partisanship. That ship sailed long ago…carry on.
FLASH! Faux News to exhume and re-animate Ben Gazzara as new primetime anchor.
“We’re very excited about adding Mr. Gazzara to our lineup.” Said Roger Ailes. “It’s a name we can modiffff… er… build on.”
Less than 0.5% of the population, and with a median age >65 & climbing. Totes awesome demographic.
Yes, this way their precious viewers do not have to wrap their heads around Obama actually speaking about the economy, Ukraine, climate change, etc. They can just be told that he read from a teleprompter and paraphrase whatever he said to make it sound bad.
BenGotcha is FAUX NEWS’ Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
Terrible events overhyped by bad journalism and, in FAUX NEWS’ case, partisan politics and propaganda masquerading as a news channel.
Yep – At least now they’re being honest about their dishonesty…
What happened to that whole “we report, you decide” thing? Guess they’ll have to change it to, “we report only what we want you to know (even if we have to make it up), you decide what we want you to decide.”
Real news outlets should only cover Republicans if they apologize for their endemic racism, misogyny and homophoia.