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Fox posts that its poll has Clinton +6. In related news, Fox poll has Clinton +12.
When you’ve lost Fox News…
Can we just cancel the last debate and proceed directly to the SNL sketch?
It would save a lot of livers, which are in serious danger of being pickled come election day.
Touting this so they can claim Trump won? After all, he doesn’t believe in polls…why should they?
Only poll that matters, voters 11/8.
Trump supporters, Your voting date is 11/28/
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Republican tears taste like the sweetest wine…whine?
Fox is on the rigged election too! Soylent Green is people!!!1!
It looks like Hillary’s lead is hardening. It is hers to lose.
Now is the time to lengthen her coattails. Send Mitch McConnell a message he won’t forget soon.
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