Discussion: Fox Panelist Blasts Single 'Beyonce Voters' Who Need Birth Control (VIDEO)

and “Single Male FOX News analysts all depend on $20 whores (male and female) because they don’t have wives.”
Keep on digging you Reich-Wingers. Eventually you will reach 6 ft. and we can just fill in the hole after you.

He’s a producer-type and they aren’t. They are aware of the pecking order, and so their ambition trumps their personal outrage, if any.

Respectfully, this is… Damn, I can’t be respectful, so I just say that I rather strongly disagree with you.

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Jeezus in a Cuisinart. I guess that shit sounds pretty good, if you’re a 75 year old high school dropout in Badgers Hemorrhoid, Oklahoma.

These people are just getting more shrill, and expressing greater hatred and cruelty by the day…all in an effort to shore up the inevitable downward spiral of their ratings.

How popular you must be with the ladies.

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I stand by that, both are nice to have but a man would prefer to be needed over wanted if he was forced to choose one.

Perhaps that’s why you disagree, maybe I wrote it in such a way to make it sound like “Eff being wanted, I want to be needed”. Post edited to that effect.

I like that you didn’t want to put a disrespectful rant out in the open. I think this place gets uncivil far too often. Still I would like to know your opinion. If you would send me a PM explaining you position and logic on the matter, I’ll be sure to read and consider it. I would hope that do the same to my position.

And this girly-man would make the purrrfect husband material…NOT!!!

DaveyJones is right, and anyone who disagrees with him on his point is wrong. The ability to provide and protect is the single most basic feature women look for in men. The posts by Seehowtheyrun, and Plucky (who has the uncanny ability to say the exact opposite of what I know and believe in every single post she writes) are about money. It overwhelms every other feature.

Men just don’t care about a women depending on them for finances like women care about it. Men and women are different. They just want different stuff.

Ron’s experiment would mitigate the effect some because there would be more money on the table but it doesn’t negate the fact. I would suggest a different experiment.

Do the same experiment with two women with the same profiles, except one making $100,000 and the other making $20,000. Only for the woman making $100,000 post a picture of an unattractive woman, for the woman making $20,000 use a picture of a woman who is blindingly beautiful.

The $20,000 hottie is going to have many more hits; it won’t be close. Looking from a man’s eyes, the extra money won’t be enough to make up for the added beauty. Once a man has enough money, the woman doesn’t have to have any money. All the other thing in the profile are more important than how much money she makes.

That would be because you were right in the first place.

I think you’re making some very broad assumptions based off your own experiences. As you say men and women are different, but you should also acknowledge that other men are different from you, so you can’t say unequivocally what one gender wants. I can definitely say that the ability to protect is not ,nor has it ever been what I look for in a man, because I can protect myself.

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Of course, there will always be exceptions. But the experiment he proposed will turn out almost exactly like he described. And do my experiment a few dozen more times, and the results will also be roughly the same.

In general, men are more attracted by visuals than women, and women are more attracted by wealth/security than men are.

But let me as this, at further risk to all the WARNING signs flashing red…you don’t need a man to protect you…but how do you feel when one does? Resentful, grateful or somewhere in between? And how many men have you dated long term that were considerably poorer than you are?

Thank you for at least acknowledging that much.

Actually you can say what one gender wants, because it’s not really based on my experiences as much as my observations of people and whatever studies I come across. Granted, it won’t include every individual with perfection but you can saw so for the vast majority of people.

These things are not about individual personal tastes as much as they are about broad human tastes. These things are deeply bred into human beings. It shapes both men and women, and you can see it everywhere you see people. You see it reflected in everything we do, from the politicians we elect, to the jobs we take, to the heroes in the books we read. We are all largely the same with a few exceptions, as DaveyJones said, and even the exceptions normally fall into certain patterns.

And this is what matters. The principle you described allowed you to predict what was going to happen. It did that because the principle was in fact true.

In fact the dating site will actually understate the response of the blindingly hot woman because some men will say that a woman so hot must be crazy if she needs a dating site.

More than that where do you live? Would you feel the same way if you didn’t live somewhere so “safe”. What if you lived in a high-crime area? What if you lived in a country where the police didn’t respond as quickly? The average human lives in a place far less save and far less wealthy than the USA. It’s easy to say you don’t need anyone to protect you when you are not in any danger.

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