Just like torture was giving Al Qaeda precisely what they wanted (i.e., the destruction of Amurika starts with the abandonment of our founding, fundamental, core beliefs as a society…I mean, what other loose thread would you pull first?), Faux and the conservatives are hellbent on giving ISIS anything they desire.
It’s not even debatable at this point: They WANT these extremists to have good recruitment and ample reason to hate everything about us so they can ramp up their holy war. This is nothing but instigation.
The entire purpose of Fox is to keep its viewers whipped up into a constant frothing, snarling frenzy of fear, anxiety, hate and, above all, fear. The dark brooding backgrounds, the distracting graphics and chyrons fwooshing in and out of the screen, the sneering voices and faces contorted with hate, the relative dearth of “little girls feeding ice cream to puppies” schmaltzy stories offered up free of ideological barbs or slant, just to keep things light.
Of course they ran it. It’s custom made for Fox “content.” Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were covertly offering ISIS production assistance.
I’ve been at Wired.com reading about the newest revelations on net neutrality and Drudge linked to it. It’s a clusterfuck of FOX news types spamming the comment threads now. It’s actually amazing how ignorant they are.
Well, it’s getting harder and harder to scare the blue-hairs and Depends-crowd with ISIS!!!, BENGHAZI!!!, EBOLA!!!
After a while, even the fools start to question the constant state of FEAR that FOX tries to instill.
After all, they ARE legally an ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK and not a NEWS ORGANIZATION.
It is a sick and sad example of “look [fixate] on the bright and shiny thing” while our buddies plunder your future.
Any bets that this shows up in Netanyahu’s address to Congress some kinda way? Iran wants to do to us what ISIS did to the Jordanian pilot or some such conflation…
You might be on to something, News Corp.'s (Faux News) second-largest shareholder, after the Murdoch family, is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a member of the Saudi royal family.
the “barbarity of ISIS” had trumped concerns over showing the graphic footage."
s’plode goes the head.
The concerns of graphic footage lie with it’s barbarity does it not? So are barbaric acts a qualifier or a dis-qualifier for not showing graphic footage?
Actually, We need to see this along with images (videos) of Americans being killed in war… Since Viet Nam, we have been deprived of these images. We can’t see images of American dead returning from war… As a civilization and a society, we NEED to see these… The world needs to see these…
I am against making war sanitary… That just promotes war… In this case, Jordan did retaliate and we need to see that too…
War sucks…Don’t cover it up. Covering it up just allows us to be drawn in…
We need to have a draft again in this country, where sons and daughters of the wealthy must also serve in combat. Perhaps then the owners of this country will look at other ways of solving world problems instead of risking their kid’s lives…all in the name of making more money…
Should be fun to see how the flip out over my comment then…it ended with “Just like the government protecting it is the only reason you have any free speech, the government protecting it is the only reason you will have an open and free internet.”
Seriously…these Fauxbot conservatroll morons really don’t get that calling net neutrality “government interference” in the intertubez is almost the same as calling the First Amendment “government interference” in free speech.
The reality is this: whoever acme up with “net neutrality”, which sounds like government forcing things on people, instead of conceptualizing and branding an “internet customer’s bill of rights” dropped the ball and should be slapped in the face.