Discussion: Fox News Pushes Back On Report That It 'Killed' Story On Porn Star And Trump

Well, sure, yeah, I believe them.

‘Cause everyone knows that Fox News never deals in rumor, unsubstantiated stories or unverified news tips.



…we were working to report the story of Stephanie Clifford’s account in October 2016 about then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump and a possible payment by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. In doing our due diligence, we were unable to verify all of the facts and publish a story…"

Seems legit. Fox was busting their ass to tank Trump's electoral prospects immediately before the election. Yeah. I can see it.

In doing our due diligence, we were unable to verify all of the facts and publish a story,”

In other words, they killed the story.


“Like many other outlets, we were working to report the story of Stephanie Clifford’s account in October 2016 about then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump and a possible payment by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. In doing our due diligence, we were unable to verify all of the facts and publish a story,” Noah Kotch, the editor-in chief of Fox News Digital, said in a statement.

Oh, look, they’re pretending like they care about facts. That’s just adorable!


Is it any surprise that TrumpWorld and PornWorld are intersecting? The funny thing is that it’s PornWorld that is getting dragged down a notch or two.


And they never start out a news story with the words “some people say” or routinely edit videos to conform to the narrative they’re pushing.


WHY don’t we BELIEVE you, FOX? Is that possibly because you’ve become state run TV ? Hell you don’t even REPORT on ‘news’; you just pretend it doesn’t exist. If you are FORCED to it is always someone doing something to you and you are freakin’ OUTRAGED and every single pundit reiterates it all day long. C’mon. ‘Killed a story’? Oh yeah.


Ya Right
Murdoch & Ailes: There’s a chance the asshole might win !
Can you imagine ?
The Tax cuts !
The favorable rulings !
The Supreme court!
Damn right you better cut that story


LOL. I bet she’s on the hook with an NDA.


Yes, they were too focused on stories with factual bases, like the Obama birther conspiracy, Pizzagate, global warming hoax, Benghazi, etc, to take the time to investigate this story.


We did NOT kill the story. Proof: it’s out there. We just ignored it.


What this story makes clear is that Trump and his associates pay people to lie in order to protect Trump. What’s not in this story is that Slate has now published a story that demonstrates that, regardless of what the statement Cohen obtained from Clifford in exchange for $130,000 says, Clifford in fact had a nearly year long sexual affair with Trump that was documented in communications between Clifford and Slate reporter Jacob Weisberg:

Because this story provides evidence of Trump paying people to lie (and of course another instance where Trump himself glibly lies to the public), it could easily become part of the Mueller investigation. Clifford would not be able to lie under oath to a grand jury, regardless of any confidentiality agreement she signed. It’s not clear if Mueller’s investigation will go in this direction. Ken Starr certainly had no problems with doing this sort of thing when he led the Whitewater investigation. So, there is certainly a precedent.


Right - it might give them an unsavory reputation!

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It’s the part where they paid her 130K not to admit a thing no person with a molecule of self-respect would admit that I find hilarious. I mean, who among us hasn’t at some point had sex with someone they’d be ashamed to admit they had sex with? I mean, granted, for most of us, the shame is as much about the alcoholic blackout as the person we slept with, but still, same principle.


The GOP Congress led a year-long investigation and impeached Bill Clinton because he had an affair with Monica Lewinski. Trump has an affair with a porn actress, and the press and gov’t barely bat an eyelash. My, how far has this country fallen?


“My involvement with Donald Trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more,” she wrote in the statement. “When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence.

Well at least we know that Stormy Daniels will do pretty much anything for a couple grand… on camera, of course 130K will buy you this statement.


It is really hard to verify the facts when you don’t expend any effort to do so.

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One thing that bothers me about this whole thing, Trump has described himself as a “germaphobe” what the hell is he doing screwing a woman like Stormy Daniels?

Of course they didn’t “kill” it.

It’s just at the GOTP’s propaganda arm, you can’t expect them to cover news that would hurt their candidate.