Discussion: Fox News Poll: Clinton Leads By Just One Point Leading Into The Election

Way too close for comfort. What the hell is wrong with America, that so many would vote for a clownish proto-fascist?


Fox poll? a/k/a gop/bag shill organization, with an rnc agenda.

Enough said!


“Fox News Poll: Clinton Leads by Just One Point”

In other words, Clinton still leads by 5-6.


Something I don’t understand. When organizations poll this close to the election, do they exclude the folks who have already voted?

When organizations poll this close to the election, do they exclude the folks who have already voted?

However they’re rating respondents’ likelihood of voting, they’ll give early voters the highest possible score. Some polls will also break out early voters as a subset of all those interviewed.

It is a great comfort that Fox is up to unskewing the polls.

Absolute proof as to why most polling exists.

It’s called “clickbait.” The election is over, it’s just heading towards its fake ending: Tuesday.

This site has been very…not very good with hyping all sorts of polling to drive all sorts of drama. If you’re looking at their PollTracker stuff, ignore it. It’s useless.

538? Another one to gin up easily (pathetically) rattled Dems/Libs/EmoProgs into a frenzy of frenziness which accomplishes nothing. But, bills gotta get paid so clicks must be clicked.


My hair is on fire. Not because of this poll. It just is.
I don’t know how to wait.

Forget the drama, follow the data.


New Post tracking poll - second one of the day - has Hillary now up by 4, clearly bouncing back (if you even believe the gyrations have any relation to reality).

I know it’s just me, but the poll trackers always seems to rush to include bad numbers, but take their time to include the better numbers. It’s not as if it would take more than a few key strokes to do the update.


Clinton’s going to win. Look at the early vote data from Florida and Nevada. It’s over. Polls will be embarrassingly wrong this year.


From your keyboard to God’s ear, Grindelwald.


Media polls are a joke. They skew the averages to show a tight race. I didn’t believe it until I saw early vote data. Pollsters like Monmouth and Reuters/Ipsos are the ones you need to pay attention to. Not media run garbage.

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There and back again:
I see HO as Sauron

And HO will win when this happens

As long as those polls are wrong in the way that benefits America. HO is a benefit to nobody…even himself if the truth be known.



Fox poll, probably excluded democrats…


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And I don’t even believe in gods. But, in this case, I’ll accept support for Dems from anyone.

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Very much hope you are right, I am counting on the Latino surge to overcome all the suppression efforts.