Discussion: Fox News Host Likens 9/11 Memorial For Flight 93 To Confederate Statues

An Oreo from Hell.


… Monuments are not Republican, Democrat, Independent. Monuments are a tribute to all of us.”

Monument- latin monere= remind
Tribute- latin tribus=tribe; latin tribuere= assign

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Memorial to people who fought against the terrorists attacking the United States is the same as a statue of TE Jackson, who died while attacking the United States.

Right. F in History for you.


When you are a pixie from Dixie even the Jesus on the dashboard looks huge.


Monuments are for heroes, not for racist traitors.

So fuck off Brian, you fucking waste of DNA

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Fixed it


If the “Daughters of the Jihadis” placed a monument to terrorists there, then yes, the memorial would be tasteless and would need to come down. But of course, the memorial is not there to honor the wrongdoers…


He rode the short bus every day.

Headline writers buried the lede: “Secretary of the Interior Thinks We Need More Jesus Statues” is a little more newsworthy imo.

But Jesus–really? Why not more Poe statues? Like this one:

It’s stunning how their stupidity just blows by their heads without a blip! Like it is profundity. No wonder Trump watches. He doesn’t have to think! Real news shows would give him a headache!

I think we need to revere the souls who were lost and the people who worked courageously to help those who survived in this horrible tragedy. However, I think as far as memorials are concerned, those found at the Pentagon, Shanksville, PA and NYC are enough. What I get sickened about are memorials made of the fallen beams of the Twin Towers, such as the one that stands at the front of the James A. McCoart Building in Woodbridge, Virginia. Would it surprise you to learn that none other than racist Corey Stewart, our illustrious chair of the county board of supervisors, failed gubernatorial candidate and candidate for the US Senate next year, arranged for this “memorial” to be erected. As far as I’m concerned, it falls along the lines of the Confederate memorials. Why can’t we heal, rather than being constantly reminded of that horrible day? http://bristowbeat.com/news/stewart-calls-911-monument-raw-stark-devastating/

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[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:16, topic:61998”]
What the fuckety fuck is this stupid miscreant talking about?[/quote]

One of my favorites in Groom, TX, 19 stories high.

The symbolism may be too abstract for a Fox & Friends viewer.

Right on. Those bozos have some nerve dissing the Virgin Mama like that. She dodged original sin, sinlessly bore a child by someone other than her husband, and then raised that child to become the founder of our nation (take that, you “my child was student of the month” muthas).

Statues of Mary litter the yards of Catholics in the Northeastern US. My wife and I refer to them as “Mary in a bathtub.”

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I always thought it was this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/TDJesus.jpg

Or erecting a statue depicting Timothy McVeigh as a brave patriot in the heart of Oklahoma City.


I had to find a video because that part where he says around minute 3 of the above video

"…Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short,”

I thought it was some kind of transcription mistake, but it’s not. Seemed to pop out of nowhere and doesn’t completely make any sense to me. Does he just feel the need to mention Jesus every chance he gets to speak like some believers do?


I imagine a lot have one somewhere in their home or office. Maybe above the toilet as a jackoff aid.

I liken Kilmeade to a turd except you can get rid of a turd with a flush.
The talking one just floats.

You see that they’re tearing down monuments? I like monuments. We need monuments. They want to tear down all of your monuments!

Circle a word and say the opposition is against it. He is no longer talking about Confederate monuments, just zeroing in on the word monuments, thereby conflating the two, or confusing the two.

He is trying to give the RWNJ’s an angle of defense.

And if that doesn’t work for them, some one of them will try something else until tearing down Nazi monuments is only something liberals do.

It’s branding.

Because he’s a right wing idiot?