At a certain point, one of these guys will actually say that statues of Hitler would be a good idea.
If I were more energetic, and good with photoshop, I would circulate a fake news story about a scenic town in Bavaria where the government is trying to force a citizen to take down his statue of Hitler.
A little confusing… is this former seal instructor saying it is alright and a learning experience to have monuments and “naming rights” honoring traitors to the USA? Why did he not make a clear distinction between the 9/11 memorial and confederate civil war memorials?
“Monuments are not Republican, Democrat, Independent. Monuments are a
tribute to all of us.”
A tribute? A tribute?
"Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short,”
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus
Zinke slightly evaded the question, saying…
…thinking, “My god, can’t we have smarter republican shills setting me up better?”
Just call right wingers what they are: Dirty f***ing traitors.
Dear Faux News,
The appropriate analogy for Confederate Memorials to 9/11 would be if someone put up a memorial to the hijackers.
And why not? Who did more to unify Americans than Hitler? At least for a little while. If we’d had a statue of Hitler, maybe National Socialism wouldn’t be on the rise again.
But not #1! Jesus should always be NUMBER 1!!!1!!!1one!!!
Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short,” he said.
Memorials to Jesus are EVERYWHERE. They're called churches, and you can't stand anywhere in the nation and heave a rock without hitting one. There are books full of his words in the drawer of every hotel room. Same goes for every public library. WTF?
Graven Images all of them
I think who sickens me more than the Fox host himself, is the multitudes of audience who I just know are going to think, “Yeah! What a great point!” I can already list the parents of my son’s friends, and the old college buddies who I barely know anymore, who will be asking everyone to like and share if we agree, by year’s end.
Facebook needs a thumbs down.
And what about the Lincoln Memorial? I mean, why is there no talk about that?
"Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short,”
What the fuckety fuck is this stupid miscreant talking about?
And these are just the biggest.
And as for coming up short, he must be talking about Sessions.
“And I think our monuments are a part of our country’s history. We can learn from it. Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short,” he said.
WTF is he talking about??? What kind of sick theocratic movement does this asshole think he’s a part of? Not to mention this moron is from Montana. MONTANA! Not exactly a hot spot of the old Confederacy. G-d these people Dipshit Donnie has in his administration are simply awful human beings.
Who can forget Touchdown Jesus in Ohio, destroyed by lightning in 2010?
PS-That Arkansas Jesus is butt ugly but he has Trump’s hands…
The same disturbing revelation that occurs when someone assumes that atheists must not have any resistance against committing robbery, rape, or murder.
@ralph_vonholst I wonder how they’d feel about Hindu statues portraying Jesus as an avatar of Vishnu. Actually, I don’t have to wonder.
In retrospect Lincoln effed up. He should have just let the secessions stand.