Seriously, Howard? Do you think there is the slightest possibility Trump knew Zucker had surgery? Or that he would give a shit?
Nice to see Howard Kurtz standing up for a free press “two heads of private companies.”
How much would Rump pay CNN for its vault of embarrassing stories? Maybe he should send Rudi to Atlanta with a grocery bag full of cash.
Dumpy says/does public things , BUT , they are PURELY for his Cult Followers . His Followers are going to start Dumpy`s Civil War .
No, they won’t. They can barely waddle into his rally venues without running out of breath. The only Civil War they’ll start is one in their own minds just as soon as they can catch their breath and get up off the couch, right after they finish watching this episode of Storage Wars but not before they finish eating.
White House volcanologists observed explosions that sent ash plumes as high as 5.2 km (17,100 ft). Ash plumes drifted 235 km SE, and a thermal anomaly was visible. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange).
Instead there seems to be an explosion from the center and left. New ABC/ WAPO poll. Trumps approval at all time low of 36%. Disapproval at a whopping 60%. Keep doing what you are doing there Spanky. Womp Womp.
If Obama did one iota of what Trump has done there’d have been complete chaos and even from a lot of Democrats.
The right exploded over a tan suit, so… while Kyrtz is correct it sort of missed the bus.
I saw that poll this morning. There’s not even a hint of good news for PP in it. Even on the economy, his absolute strongest measure, he just about breaks even. And support for Mueller and the investigation is continuing to climb. Impeachment is even polling at around 50%.
Lots of good news for us though. The fever among some of his supporters looks like it may be breaking.
Cause an explosion? Is Kurtz implying that there’s some other state of mind that Conservatives are capable of being in? The entire American right wing has been in a perpetual state of exploding since the 15th Amendment was ratified. Fox News had whole segments on the type of mustard Obama ate for Chrissakes. They’ve been at peak outrage for decades.
That’s not a real thing, is it?
Okay, I’ll look…
FFS, not only is a real, but there have been 11 seasons of it.
Fox News Host: If Obama Treated Press Like Trump, There’d Be ‘Explosion On The Right’
Trump: Not true. We all blew up because Obama is a Muslim Kenyan and is BLACK.
Yea but.when I see FOX give negative news about Trump, no matter how small, I am encouraged.
Now, now. They aren’t always outraged. On good mood days they range from umbrage to hissy fit.
What worries me is that even an out of shape couch potato can still kill a lot of people at range with a long gun without breaking a sweat.
And the Yam Mussolini cult has a lot of guns.
With Howie the Putz, there is always less there than meets the eye.
People will watch anything to avoid getting off the couch.