Discussion: Fox News Host: I'd Take 'Opposition Research' From The 'Devil' Himself

How does she know that Satan is male? First person casting couch experience.


Fox News Host: Iā€™d Take ā€˜Opposition Researchā€™ From The ā€˜Devilā€™ Himself

If I remember correctly from my bible studies class, deals with the devil come at a heavy price. I suspect weā€™ll be hearing from all the outraged evangelicalsā€¦ any moment now the outrageā€¦ any momentā€¦ crickets. Oh, yeah. IOKIYAR


If the quotation is accurate, sheā€™s more in need of a grammar lesson from the devil than anything else.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhā€¦more situational ethics from the ā€˜Trump Firstā€™ classā€¦ā€˜Weā€™re great patriots!!! Let us lecture you about morals, values and ethics!!!..ā€™ Sorry ā€˜Judgeā€™ā€¦that ship has sailed.

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You work for the devil himself, why wouldnā€™t you accept it?


I find it amazing that trumpā€™s most unquestioning support is steadfastly majority white evangelicals. Speaking of the devil ā€“ they know exactly what trump is and this is why they support him. The entire underpinning of their interpretation of Christianity is found in Revelations. This is all about the End Times for them and trump is the manifestation of prophecy --Godā€™s will. I think our war is really with them. Conservatism really has nothing to do with it ā€“ except those republicans who are so cynical as to court and aid such fanatics.


And Iā€™m waiting for them to show the example of such opposition research received by Obama. No one wouldā€™ve had a problem with that, right?

God, how long must we have the scourge of Fox and right-wing screaming liars? Will they die out? I fear out.

Well, they ARE patriots because they saved the country from far worse than Putin: Hillary Clinton.

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I think youā€™re right.


yeah like the time Gore received Bushā€™s debate prep and used it instead of sending it directly to the FBI. because every politician is a scheming shithead like Trump and Pirro.


Itā€™s especially gratifying to read that this piece of detritus says ā€œAs someone who has ranā€¦ā€

Another of the best people.

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Five children by three partners. Multiple bankruptcies. Hasnā€™t attended church in decades. Wonder if they would have supported the same qualities in a person named Shaniqua?


O hell no and they would have had all kinds of rationales as to why not.

But Iā€™d like to know what Judge Phony knows about running for office. Is she from a state that elects the judiciary? Who cares what she thinks?

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Or when Kennedy refused info from the Russians.

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Not to mention that it wasnā€™t just ā€œinformationā€ ā€“ it was STOLEN information obtained through ILLEGAL hacks.


Makes sense that Pirro would trust oppo research from a close relative.

And then Lucifer said ā€œDude, I got no part of this, so keep me the fuck out. Also, FYI, that new wing weā€™re constructing solely for Fox News employees is looking FABULOUS.ā€

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Taking ā€œoppoā€ from a fictional character? That explans Judge Pirroā€™s failed campaigns for the US Senate and NY state AG :facepunch: