i don’t think there are any campaign laws against getting oppo from the devil. Not like the election laws against getting anything of value from foreign citizens in a campaign, or the law against aiding and abetting theft of data and private information.
Of course, that assumes the devil is a US citizen. But then we already knew that.
Well, Ms. Pirro, since it is an established fact that you are the devil’s spawn, that you would take opposition research from the devil himself is not surprising.
But I believe the Post reported that the ex VP took Lucifer into that secret man-sized safe, and the prince of darkness has been mysteriously missing ever since.
Addressing her by the formal title of “Judge” implies that she is an honest and objective arbiter of truth and justice. That is why they trot her out as a defender of trump.
“As someone who has ran for office five times, if the devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent I’d be on the first trolley to hell to get it,” Jeanine Pirro said
I guess Pirro didn't get the intra-company memo letting everyone know Ailes died.
There is no law that says a campaign cannot accept information from a foreign government.
But there is a law that says a campaign cannot accept anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a Federal election.
So Pirro is saying that either (a) a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer is not a foreign national, or (b) the damaging info is not a thing of value, or (c) “opposition research” on a presidential candidate has no connection to a Federal election, or (d) a GOP politician should be ready, able and willing to violate Federal law in order to win an election. Tough call.
“if the devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent I’d be on the first trolley to hell to get it,” … about what one could expect from Jeanine Pirro - this is her true character …and reveals he ethical bankruptcy -
REMEMBER - in this case the “opposition research” Jeanine Pirro is referencing was universally understood to have been illegally obtained via illegally hacking.
word to the wise - do not ever enter into any endeavor with her that might require ethical self-reporting
this glimpse of the character and ethics of Jeanine Pirro is vaguely reminiscent of an old joke with a punchline that was something like -
“… well, yes , we have already established that … now we are just haggling over the price”