Discussion: Fox News Hires Ex-Rep. Trey Gowdy As Contributor

“Fox Contributor” is a red badge of courage.

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Great, FUX News gets a “Whack-A-Mole” surreality program.

Planned to immediately follow “The Simpsons”.


Top end network living on the hand me downs that didn’t cut it at the consignment store.

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“The Best and the Whitest Minds”

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What kind of hair cut will he sport? (We already know what he will say.)

It’s a darn shame Howdy Gowdy won’t be around for the inevitable Ven-Ghazi hearings after Deflection Donnie invades Venezuela…

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OT, but apparently, it’s an evil vengeful god trying to smite us all…


Fox News
HR Personnel Hires Suite 61
666 Avenue of the Americas
NYC, NY, 10013

Dear Ms. Sanders

Thank you for your letter of interest.
After reviewing your application Andrea, Tammy and Julie said you were never going to be able to not be an ugmo.
All the top management at FOX reviewed your legs and also said no.
Having not met the top 2 professional requirements of our hostesses, we regret to say that an anchor position with us is not going to become open for you at this time.
Although if anything in the maintenance crew becomes available, we will keep your application on hand.

We wish you luck in your future endeavors.

B. Azelbub
FOX HR Hiring


This should not be a surprise, Fox has long been a retirement home for otherwise unemployable political hacks and “one note Sousaphone players.”

For Sarah, Spawn of Mike:


I must admit that this actually shocks me.

I always thought that his face was made for radio.


Mean Girls!

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And the collective IQ of the Organization drops 50 points.

I am afraid there could have been a very real danger of CNN or NPR picking up the prick.


I’m confused. I thought Putin was the devil.

Whoa. I have been a fan of Randy Newman for years. Never heard Etta’s cover. She kills it.

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Somebody wanted to make sure they could still do swirlies with the low flow toilets.

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Because he’s so telegenic. /s

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What’s the matter, no one wanted to Hire Him. FOX News takes in all the GOP Rejects to push their twist stories without the truth.

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ain’t they just?

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