Discussion: Fox News Has An Extra Podium Ready In Case Trump Decides To Show Up After All

Discussion for article #245250

“Eleanor Rigby, Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by a door…”

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The only thing that will save Faux News and the RNC now is if Bernie stood up behind that empty podium tonight. They have screwed themselves royally.

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Talk about having the strength of their convictions! What a bunch of panderers! Just throw their spokes-bimbo under the bus.

Trump is scheduled to host a rival event at Duke University, just across town from the debate in Des Moines

That would be DRAKE University maybe??

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The real question is will Fox show the empty podium?? If so, I hope they have a ridiculous pic of tRump on it.

Edited copy only available to Prime subscribers. :slight_smile:

That’s reminicent of Clint Eastwood’s empty chair…

That’s just sad. Ha!

I can already hear trump say that he was attacked and wasn’t there to defend himself. The debate sponsors should set up a empty podium that represents Donald the diva . He walked out on his own. he is fair game if he is still in the campaign.