She would be perfect
I suspect she is not a fan of Trump
Not sure if she would be perfect… but IMO she is the best choice to continue to keep pressure on Trump
Thing is Republican Governor Ducey is going to be pressured by the Alt-right into a FreeDumb caucus style senator.
This gives him an easy out
No doubt a better choice than obnoxious daughter Meghan.
Stormy Daniels would be a better choice.
Thing is Republican Governor Ducey is going to be pressured by the Alt-right into a FreeDumb caucus style senator.
There are lots of political goodies that can come to a Governor who makes this choice. I only guess here that he could present himself as a decent guy now by appointing Cindy and gain support for taking the Senate seat himself later when the election rolls around.
Yeah! Like well-respected long-time Arizona resident and retired politician, Sarah Palin!
Everyone knows nothing makes you more qualified than marrying someone.
My guess is that Megan McCain has already been in contact with the guy who whacked Nancy Kerrigan’s knees and given him pictures of both Cindy and Geraldo.
Nope, not Cindy. Meghan is the outspoken one. But you can be sure Ducey is talking to Kelli Ward, Joe Arpiao, or Martha McSally in that order.
Pfffttt!!! I just spit coffee.
Gaaah!!? Palin??
She’s rested, ready, and she can see Messico from her porch. And you know McCain would approve.
Hard to get myself to agree with Geraldo, but I do in this instance. She might show some independence.
There is way too much at stake here for the GOP to let Ducey fill this without lots of pressure.
There’d be a certain irony to it. Also too, washery.
She is the safe choice who would be a place holder until 2020. The alternative would be the loser of the McSally / Ward race, but Ward is such a narcissistic asshole a lot of people would be offended if she was offered the job.
Has the GOP Governor scheduled a date for a public auction, or will the bidding for this seat be private?
Placing a phone call to Blagojevich?
Nepotism is always a great thing to have in government. I would root for Carol Shepp if Cindy McCain is not available.