Discussion: Fox News Chyron Calls El Salvador, Guatemala And Honduras 'Mexican Countries'

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“What, you mean they aren’t all the same? I mean, they all look the same shade of brown we need to kick out of the US so we can take our nation back…”

I don’t know if it was the thought process above, or laziness, or what, but it’s the attitude of far too many people in America that all these “brown people” are just the same and bad for the nation. I don’t know how we fix that, or even if we can fix the people who think that way.


All their ignorance and racism squished into one ugly little sentence.


This is an important service to their low information audience.


When you’re a pig’s ass ignorant racist you’re a pig’s ass ignorant racist.


Trump’s on an epic tantrum, isn’t he? Why now?


The Mueller Report does not place Trump in a favorable light. If it did, it would have been released. Even if it were only middlin’…the Trump Media Machine would have been able to give Trump a much more sustained and convincing basis for screaming “I’m exonerated!!!”

We. Must. Have. The. Full. Mueller. Report.


Every so often, I re-read William Shirer’s great memoir of being an American journalist in Nazi Germany. One of its eerily most-relevant passages:

“[A] steady diet over the years of falsifications and distortions made a certain impression…in a casual conversation with a stranger in a restaurant, a beer hall, a café, I would meet with the most outlandish assertions from seemingly educated and intelligent persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they had heard [in the media]…Sometimes one was tempted to say as much, but [if one did] one was met with such a stare of incredulity, such a shock of silence, as if one had blasphemed the Almighty, that one realized how useless it was even to try to make contact with a mind which had become warped and for whom the facts of life had become what [party leaders], with their cynical disregard for truth, said they were.” – The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, pp.247-248.

With all due respect to Godwin, has anyone ever written a better description of Fox viewers in 2019?


That means THREE times more Wall they are all going to pay for! YAY! Triple the height and thickness!


They all speak Latin, right?

h/t Dan Quayle, the original Indiana Q-Tip…


Fox News: “We deeply regret the mistake. We meant to call them shit hole countries.”


The amazing thing about FOX News is the casual nature with which people who DON’T patronize FOX treat it.

Before our own eyes, people are being literally made to enter a Post Truth world.

And we look on and nod sagely at, say, narratives of Joseph Goebbels on the History Channel,hours before we settle down with a relative for dinner who has consumed a diet of propaganda which Joe Goebbels would have given his right arm to have produced.


Seems like Fox graphics/server person is as good at geography as I am.

“These are not clever people.” Yet another exhibit in the Museum of the Blatantly Obvious.


Eh, they’re brown, they’re not Ayrabs then they’re Messicans. End of story.


I was at a hotel last night, and when I came down this morning the breakfast area TV was tuned to FUX news. I got up and changed the channel, and actually had most of the people there applaud. Small victories …


We all know that Fat Nixon couldn’t find El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras on a map if a rich white person’s life depended on it, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter to him because in his mind everything south of the border is the same, one big Mexico extending down to the Falkland Islands. All those countries are full of Mexicans. Fox has this baked in, so it looks fine to them.


There was a study a few years ago that found Fox viewers were more poorly informed than people who didn’t watch any news at all.



When Trump sees what’s in the Full Mueller Report, different types of POC are going to be the last things on his mind.

Trump is a racist scumbag. But he is also pure grifter and a lizard-brained survivor at all costs, reacting at all times by what is favorable to HIM.

To stay out of prison he would act like Che Guevara’s Che Guevara.


"What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." – Dan Quayle