Discussion for article #228207
Brain-dead GOPers will probably elect this clown to Congress.
Drunkenly fighting with cops is one thing, but if he keeps writing sensible and respectful things about women he won’t have a future at FOX.
I was wondering if he’d come back from rehab hardened and crazier than ever, or sensible.
Sounds like sensible won out.
Say what you want about his past actions but it’s hard to argue with his column as reported here.
He failed miserably in his assignment - his bosses told him that his article had to include the words: “Boobs” & “Benghazi” .
All white male reporters at Fox are called news anchors, in the Mormon tradition. If the guy played in the NFL he wouldn’t have a job to return to.
I hope this man gets his life together but re-associating with the organization that is the likely cause of his “serious personal issues” is a red flag. Sober or not he’d be a better male participant in FOX’s program and TPM’s click-palooza, Out # ed.
I cracked up at this headline.
When you are in pro or collegent sports and misbehave you are suspended and fined. When you are a Fox anchor you still have a gig.
This is typical Right wing BS. Now that he has a daughter at college, he becomes the only person at Fox who takes the issue of campus rape seriously. Much like the Congressman who was dead set against gay marriage until his some came out. Now if we could just force all their kids to marry a poor black spanish speaking person, we might get some common sense change, but since that is unlikely, expect more of the same dribble.
“Let the police do their work.”
The percentage of rapists who ever go to jail is in the single digits. If that counts as the police doing their work, then maybe we need something else, like the schools getting rid of them.
"“Rape and other sexual assaults are crimes,” he wrote. “They must be treated as such. Law enforcement should be allowed to do its job. Schools should stick to what they do best – teaching. And that includes educating students about campus sex crimes.”
Wait - so his column was actually opposing rape??? Now that’s going to give Fox a reason to fire him, for going against the company line.