Discussion: Fox Hosts Slam 'Lousy' CNBC Debate, Question Moderators' 'Agenda'

Discussion for article #242304

Says the network that didn’t air the Benghazi hearing in full when it wasn’t going their way…


Wow, who could of seen this one coming?


Interesting. Marco “No Show” Rubio has been on all the morning shows today. All of them. Someone thinks he was a winner last night.


After the first question,this is IMO what happened last night

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“How would you torture Sidney Blumenthal, waterboard or testicle-shock?”


The whole country - starting with Republicans themselves and spreading from there to conservative media, regular media, half the electorate and frankly far too many Democrats as well - is laboring under the false conceit that Republicans have anything serious or worthwhile to offer. Like they’re sitting on this treasure chest of brilliant ideas, which somehow fail to catch fire due to some endless and constantly evolving series of flame retardants.

Well they’re not. Whether the excuse is Sarah Palin, 25 other loser candidates, the media, the debate moderators with blood coming out of their wherever, there’s just no there, there. Time after time. We just need one Republican to admit it so reporters can start feeling like they have permission to break the news.


Rubio is clearly the new “Savior” of the Republican Debates, but he is just so shallow and clueless (just like Fox and Firends, a pretty face with no brains behind it.)
Face it “Fox and Friends” you just can’t polish this turd any more and make it palatable.
You guys created these morons and pushed the agenda, and the RNC approved the debate “structure” and panel.
You OWN THIS. Deal with just how pathetically bad your candidates really are.


Follow-up, Senator Rubio. Why did Congress slash funding for security to protect these outposts, in effect exacerbating the dangerous situations that were in?


Sure wish Hillary had brought that up,along with the fact of the 911 commission versus this Benghazi farce.


Here is a mostly complete list of questions that Fox would approve of:

  • Benghazi?
  • IRS?
  • How long should Hillary be in jail?
  • Why is the GOP so awesome and Dems a bunch of communist socialist moochers?
  • How much should we cut taxes on rich?
  • What are your plans to screw the poor?

This was supposed to be a debate on the economy. Not Benghazi. Sorry. Not an improvement over the questions. I thought it was very useful, however, to find out that the Republicans now have two snake oil salesmen at the top of the polls.

Golly Beav, my eyes kept darting from your receding hairline to your super giant necktie as you were being mean to Clarence "Lumpy’ Bush.

This is the clearest signal yet that FOX ::cough:: Ailes :: cough:: has dumped Bush and is now propping up Rubio.

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Yes, let’s pretend that a pro-big business television channel is now something like Pravda. The baggers are pissed because the moderators tried to make the clowns answer the questions asked. I watched the whole dang thing (glutton for punishment) and it was the “candidates” who pushed this into, appropriately, a clown show. I am puzzeled why CNBC is taking all the heat for this. Was it perfect, no, but look at what they had to deal with.


i can’t wait for the presidential debates. even o’malley could have destroyed these fools, much less hillary or sanders.

How dare they have an “agenda”? As if they wanted to “get things done” and question people who want to “be president”. Humpf! and Snear!

Notice he is not at his actual job, being a Senator.

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Walmart shoppers’ bubble pushing back on Wall Street’s bubble. Surprised that CNBC (one of whose analysts’ on-air defecations gave birth to the modern Tea Party) had so many insider ball questions. How can the Street pimp-slap the Fox hoi polloi now?

A poor workman always blames his tools!