Discussion for article #225445
So…anyone who speaks Spanish in Texas is an illegal immigrant…got it…
God forbid that the biggest problem that someone who hasn’t had water in the US south for three days should ask for help …in Spanish.
I know how this works. Initially pretend that the “concern” is that the people making the 911 calls are not American citizens. (Because you know, non-citizens just have to suck it up if they get injured or sick while in the US.) Then, if it is pointed out that a person making a 911 call is a citizen, the new concern is that they are one of the “47%” takers in our culture, and still are draining our resources and our precious bodily fluids or something like that. Just keep moving the goalposts as much as needed to keep justifying the hate.
You can’t win with these Fox people. They are not fair-minded. They are only interested in fomenting anger and resentment towards The Other.
These people are horrible human beings.
You know I keep thinking the densest material in the universe is a black hole, a phenomenon where no light can escape to the darkness.
I then I turn on FAUX News, and I learn that everything I know about Physics is just wrong.
Jesus would have told them, “tough luck!!! Get a job!!!”
Compassionate conservatives guided by their consciences.
Ricky’s Texas storm troopers on the ground at the border will help alleviate the language problem as well as so many other aspect of the humanitarian crisis.
I love conservative outrage. It’s so genuine. LOL!
Nothing that Brooks County Sheriff Deputy Urbino “Benny” Martinez says warrants the graphic Fox installs over his photo. At no time does he say his department is “overwhelmed,” nor that “immigrants’ 9-1-1 calls” are anything but a routine problem. He doesn’t seem the least bit unnerved, while Kilmeade keeps trying to get him to scream about the immigrants.
That’s incorrect. Last I checked, the Constitution only says that everyone is allowed to have guns. Lots and lots of guns. And that’s about it.
Because everyone knows undocumented people crossing illegally have cell phones
â– charged and ready
â– with US carrier cell service
â– and are well-versed in calling 911
Why isn’t Kilmeade outraged that Brooks County has bilingual 9-1-1 operators? Seems like a natural point of contention for a small-brained conservative primate.
My God, they’re talking Spanish. Too bad for Doocy and Kilmeade who only speak Stupid.
The FOX Noisemakers, yes. The Deputy Sheriff seems very reasonable and unwilling to echo Kilmeade’s desperate outrage.
Kilmeade and Fox News viewers want to see “illegals” as purple bloated corpses strewn across the desert. That’s why Ukraine plane crash sites are pron to them…
Yes. This is especially beyond the comprehension of Doocy & Kilmeade who only get the language of Stupid.
Nothing gets Republicans’ noses more out of joint than the thought of a brown person receiving something for free, potentially lifesaving or not.
Another day another meanless Fox outrage. This post isn’t even worth the pixels TPM is wasting putting it on the front page.