Discussion: Fox Hosts Dub Female Fighter Pilot Who Bombed ISIL 'Boobs On The Ground' (VIDEO)


Dare I repeat myself? Outreach. It never… Oh fuck it. Never mind.

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The Great Sorting has occurred and our politics have finally been reduced to a series of epic battles between the people who want to be governed by the utterly stupid and the people who want to be governed by the less stupid to actually smart.

The problem with my hypothesis being that those who want to be governed by the utterly stupid turn out for mid-terms and those who want to be governed by the less stupid to actually smart don’t . . .


I’m sorry, but after reading this, I’m certainly NOT going to watch that video clip. Waste of time.

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The lame-ass joke doesn’t even work, since it’s about a pilot, fer Chrissakes. And the worst thing is it’s actually very interesting that the UAR would have a woman air-combat pilot. Could you just stick to that? Maybe have a research assistant look into it? Of course not. The job in that shop is not to enlighten or make the world a bigger and more interesting place. But even for them, it’s just lame.

ETA: Brief interview here, a short piece about UAR’s first women in combat air including Mansour here. Very cool person.


Sorry, I still condemn them. She is a soldier and we are her allies. She is fighting alongside us against a common enemy. Whatever they think of our allies, sexism has no place in this conversation, period!!!


And they’re the same two guys!

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Kimberly, You are surprised? Really? Remember…When you lie down with dogs you get up with dicks.


There is nothing but boobs on Faux News, male and female.

Guilfoyle…SWeeTHeART. DOn’t GEt YOur PANties IN a TwisT. LItards LAck A sense OF HUmor!11!!1one!1!!!


I would like to think that if this were repeated in VFW halls or in taverns around the country, it would’ve been met with the same amount of derision. These are pigs.

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That which seemed funny when you were getting high in your frat house basement is less so to those out here who aren’t congenitally tone-deaf.

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"Oh my gosh, why did they ruin my thing?" she said as she hung her head.

If you don’t want to work with clowns, Kimberly, you shouldn’t have joined the circus.


why did they ruin my thing?

Moobs in the studio…


Don’t worry the President of MSNBC has Roger Ailes back. Phil Griffin is picking out an intern to fire right now. You can expect his apology shortly.


“Guilfoyle wasn’t happy with that turn in the conversation.
“Oh my gosh, why did they ruin my thing?” she said as she hung her head.”

Kimberly, have you just now figured out where you work?


It’s no big deal; professional women love being referred to as though they were nothing more than mere body parts.


They really (in a world with any kind of credibility or accountability) should be fired. What they said on air is far worse than that spoken by Simmons who was just suspended at ESPN.


I’d love to see what would happen if these doofuses had the balls to say those things to this woman’s face. I’ll bet they’d get kicked so hard they’d get a new set of tonsils.


You will notice that she was worried about their ridiculous comments ruining her thing, not about the way their remarks were offensive and insulting to women.