Discussion: Fox Host Slams FBI Over Flynn Lies: He 'Thought They Were Talking Among Two Buddies'

“I mean, I thought those bank tellers just gave him that money” Wille Sutton’s friend was quoted as saying.


People who write for TPM watch a lot of tv all day.

When Josh Marshall has claimed over the last few years that he was hiring more “reporters”, I assumed he meant that he was hiring more journalists who would have to actually leave the office to report on stories in real time. Instead, he seems to have hired more people to cover more television channels.

Whether he thought they were his buddies is a red herring. We can run this down pretty easily. Either he thought this was a social visit with trustworthy friends or he didn’t. In the former case, the only possible reason for Flynn to lie is because the truth is SO bad that he’s afraid to tell even his trusted friends…IOW, Flynn is guilty as shit. In the latter case, Flynn lied to avoid being caught.

Either way, there’s no difference in the underlying reality and…thanks to our “law and order” friends at the GOP, police may use deception, while suspects may not. It’s their petard. About time one of them was hoisted by it.


The “two buddies” exemption for lying to the FBI is right below the “private transaction” exemption for financial crimes in the Federal Register.


I guess it’s no fun learning that interrogation techniques can be used on anybody, even the well-to-do. Regardless this is a moot conversation- Flynn confessed and pleaded guilty.

Moving The F*** On.


Not true. Most were hired to cut and paste from Twitter.

In all fairness, the “He was bewitched by Agent Strzok” defense is one of the better excuses they’ve come up with. Ooh-la-la.


I believe Ms. Sneed would take exception to that statement. I saw her ON the tv Friday - reporting her observations from a day at the federal courthouse.


They thought they were talking among two buddies.

Aw damn, there goes trumps excuse when the time is right.
Trump will now start demoting flynn day by day until in the end,
he had little to do with me, I hardly know him.
Even after all he already said about his use to be bestest buddy. lol
Straight jacket definitely needed sooner or later. sooner preferred

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kilmeade on saving private flynn: it was more like locker room talk than a meeting with the FIBS.

“It’s because he walked in, he shook their hands, he felt like one of the guys. He offered them a tour of the White House. He sat down there. They thought they were talking among two buddies. They used that to his advantage they said, ‘he had learned to believe the lies he was telling.’

So, something Brian Kilmeade’s ‘buddies’ might want to remember the next time they get together. Granted, if his friends are all lawyers…

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LOL, Kilmeade defending Flynn ! I guess, that shows how deeply you have fallen, Flynn ? Defended by Kilmeade !

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But then Trump has a basis to actually pardon Flynn, when he doesn’t at present as he’s looking at no jail time.

Although I secretly wish he would; the optics would be terrible, and Flynn would be compelled to testify anyway…

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Please show me any place ever where I have said that J. Edgar Hoover is an American hero.

Hoover was a nasty piece of work. But in 2018, JEH is not the FBI and the FBI is not JEH. I work in cybersecurity. Inevitably in that line of work, you end up dealing with the Feds, at least occasionally. The agents I’ve dealt with have pretty much all impressed me as serious, dedicated professionals. Wouldn’t necessarily pick them for “best sense of humor”, but in that line of work, I’m not sure that’s what I’d want to select for anyway.

Look, pal. You have your opinions, I have mine. Neither of us is likely to change the other one’s. But I will not allow you to put words in my mouth like that uncontested. Can we be clear on that point?


And are your friends nice enough to give the topic of the shit they want to shoot with you before hand? Along with “Hey do you want someone there, wink, wink, nudge, nudge” when they come to shoot the shit with you?

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Except in that case, the FBI failed because Flynn didn’t open up to them. He just repeated his public lie. There’s just no way you can take, “he thought they were his friends” and turn it into some sort of underhanded trick against Flynn. Soon as you look at it closely, it just falls apart.

Shorter FOX: What’s the world coming to when Flynn can’t count on the FBI to cover for him?!?

Sure. If two FBI agents showed up at my front door I’d automatically just invite them in and give them a tour of my home. Then, when they bring up “comments you’ve been making online…” I would just assume they wanted to hear me make up something entertaining for our discussion over coffee and cookies. Who wouldn’t?

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It’s become evident that Flynn was no innocent about anything.

In a befuddling series of remarks on Monday morning, “Fox and Friends”
host Brian Kilmeade appeared to defend former National Security Adviser
Michael Flynn against charges that he lied to the FBI — which Flynn has
already pleaded guilty to — by saying Flynn thought he was “talking
among two buddies.”

No Brian, Just no. When the head of the FBI calls and says he is sending two oe three agents over one should not expect Buddy Buddy off the record conversation over beers at the pool. Flynn should have been savvy enough to not lie. But he chose to willingly. To FBI agents. And he repeated those same lies elsewhere. And he got caught. Flynn had a good idea what the agents were up to since his expertise was intelligence. Now I could expect a low information low IQ person to not pick up on the situation but we are talking a Lt General. One would hope a general would have his shit together.

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