Trump in love with Kim? Better not tell Vladdy…
The animated GIF’s just create themselves, don’t they?
Relationships absolutely matter, it’s important that the true leaders are able to effectively communicate
“Unless you are a part of NATO, or one of our allies. Then you can fuck off.”
For the first time in my life I feel sorry for Kim.
I very much hope Wallace asked some tough follow-up questions.
Dingleberry is giving away the keys to the kingdom in an attempt to play local politics. Nice job there, GOP, you wreckless fecks.
That is disgusting beyond words.
Whay till Hannity finds out he’s got competition for Trumps affection!
Why did he say that? It’s obvious isn’t it? Wannabe dictator just loves the professional ones.
[quote=“boscobrown, post:10, topic:84789, full:true”]
Whay till Hannity finds out he’s got competition for Trumps affection!
[/quote]He’s Hannity’s brofriend.
He’s Kim’s bitch.
It’s a relationship they are both using to try and gain legitimacy on the world stage.
For them, what’s not to love?
As far as Vlad is concerned, Kim can keep the drama queen.
“Relationships matter, Chris,” Pompeo replied. “They affect everything in our lives, whether it’s grand strategy in denuclearization or simpler things. Relationships absolutely matter, it’s important that the true leaders are able to effectively communicate."
That is some serious, condescending, holier-than-thou mansplainin’ right there.
Oh course Trump wants to think they are in love … Donald has already picked out a silverware pattern … with all of what they have done, it has to be love … otherwise it is just tawdry meaningless philandering and Trump is being used…
I have to assume that Trump’s appointees have brains. I mean, if they didn’t, their skulls would collapse, right?
So, they have brains, and yet their mouths spout gibberish like this. How do they kiss their loved ones with that same mouth?
"I have observed this over the past weeks and months, I watch them exchange messages, I watched our team understand the messages that
the two leaders are providing.”
I watch things happen. I do nothing to prevent disaster.
Great work Secretary of State Pompeo. Pat yourself on the back.