Discussion for article #236000
There is a difference between being respectful towards others and kowtowing to them. We don’t have to spit on anyone’s holy images to oppose them for a whole lot of reasons.
They’re right. We shouldn’t kowtow to crazy religionists. Next thing you know, those Muslims will be whining about a phony “War on Ramadan” and writing silly books about it.
“Look Kitten, I’ve been in a war zone. Here’s what you do…”
Bill knows short fuses, Megyn…
“Free speech?” “Jihadis?” This was a couple of Bozos who decided they were going to shoot a couple of big mouth headcases. You know., Texans.
All of a sudden they’re “jihadis” and “the war is here”?
“You know what else the jihadis don’t like? They hate Jews,” Kelly said. “Should we get rid of all Jews?"
False Dilemma much there Kelly?
I wonder if Fox scripts its talkers so that one sounds slightly more rational than the other. It’s terribly difficult to fill up air time with a discussion between two people who agree 100% on everything. Sometimes Megyn Kelly gets to be the less crazy sounding, but this time it’s O’Reilly. It’s never Sean Hannity, though.
“You know what else the jihadis don’t like? They hate Jews,” Kelly said. “Should we get rid of all Jews?"
You just know half of the Fox Not the News viewership was masturbating heaps when she said that.
isn’t any discussion on Fox news about any event sort of like the blind wise men trying to figure out what the elephant is?
An entire network devoted to dumb and dumber. Wow.
Sean couldn’t pull off in rehearsals.
No wonder Megyn Kelly is in such great shape – those huge buckets of water she’s always carrying around.
Without their logical fallacies, right-wingers would have nothing to say.
And all during this Great Debate, Bill’s thinking about how loofah-worthy Megyn is.
Yes Megyn Kelly is 100% correct. We defend even the most hateful speech with the 1st Amendment, but that doesnt mean its a smart thing to do, and it doesn’t mean you wont incite someone to shoot your ass…even if that’s illegal.
Sadly, today the attack has been claimed by ISIS because one of the shooters had been following their crazy ideas about how to spread Islam. In fact, according to police early reports, the one shooter claimed he was a jihadist, and his family members state that they were concerned about his adopting such an inflexible stand on Islam. Now, were they actually jihadist trained in Yemen or Iraq? No. They claimed to be jihadists, and they got access to guns to follow through on their claims of affiliation with ISIS, which immediately claimed credit for the attack to spread fear. I seriously doubt if these two murderers were actually part of an ISIS cell, but do not underestimate the ISIS leadership, who are educated in the arts of war as well as most terrorists are. With the use of social media and a gullible MSM, they use incidents like this to instill fear in Americans, and with the likes of Pam Geller doing their footwork for them, they are succeeding.
Apparently, nobody remembers the museum exhibition in NYC about 15 years ago, in which one of the exhibits was a crucifix with Jesus immersed in a jar of urine.
I don’t recall Fox defending the artist’s free speech rights on that one. I also don’t recall Fox defending the free speech value in representations of people having sex. Or of the various candidates who falsely hold themselves out as war heroes.
How obvious do these clowns have to be before people just turn away?
And there is no doubt in my mind that that bitch Geller did this to incite violence. I would’ put anything past her. That is why she was required by the police to have $10,000 worth of security at this event. This was unconscionable
Amen to that