Discussion for article #233236
Weren’t we just told that Kayla Mueller “was a Jew-hating, anti-Israel piece of crap?”
I’m so confused!
OMG this is a bit of a reach, even for FOX,.
They must be really desperate since they are picking apart a fucking video.
Oh and their concern is duly noted.
“Nope, no weapons over here [heh heh] . . . Maybe under here . . .”
I just don’t understand the criticism here. YOLO=You Only Live Once isn’t a statement that’s somehow changed by Mueller’s very unfortunate death. Mueller’s death isn’t somehow changed by saying 'YOLO". Somebody was killed and the president said, 'YOLO", what does one have to do with another? I just don’t get the connection at all.
“I’m less concerned with the timing and more concerned with the sheer silliness of it,” she said…
"Sheer silliness? Coming from the very silly propaganda arm of the Very Silly Party [GOVSP], oh, the sheer irony. Humor really IS a foreign language to the Bog People.
there doesn’t have to be a connection for Fux to manufacture one.
Fox Host : (something stupid and/or inflammatory, which is most likely also a blatant falsehood)
This basically sums up everything on Fox News.
President Obama said that he’d sent special ops to try to rescue her last year. Also FUCK YOU FOX.
Well, maybe this is her “terrorist fist-jab” moment and we’ll never see her again.
FOX is not “news”
FOX does not do journalism
FOX “reporters” are short on actual news-correspondent standards
FOX audience does not consist of anyone with the slightest interest in learning ANYTHING
FOX was and is, essentially, a takeover of the minds of an entire Generation of Americans, done by an Australian.
The United States is probably the most successful, powerful and vibrant country on earth. But as my Abuela once told me, “Nadie es Perfecto en la Vida”. Even the United States has severe weaknesses as a culture–and this Australian (with the help of Roger Ailes) has successfully utilized most of them in the operation of FOX.
Poor Heather Childers another vacuous blond talking head on FOX futilely grasping for a way to differentiate herself.
Foxaganda aside, it’s accurate. YOLO. And because YOLO, don’t fucking go to Syria unless you’re heavily armed and ready to kill and/or die.
HOW DAre OBUMMER be SO inseNSITIVE To The dEAth Of hamAS-loveR bitCH. shE waS kiLLED by ISlamOFASCIst TERroRIstS, for chrisSAKE. pooR TIming obuMMER!1!1!!!ONE!11!!!
Yes, to Schlussel the actual person was all of those things you cite.
But in death, she was a brave American whose tragic demise is further evidence of Obama’s refusal to protect our nation and its citizens.
See, you CAN have it both ways – if you are Republican.
Your problem, young lady, is that you try to apply facts and logic to what is charitably called the Republican mentality.
It will get you nowhere.
You my dearest Plucky are trying to make sense out of something coming from Faux News??
i almost quoted you but hadn:t seen your remarks prior thereto
But was Kayla a jew-hater. Do we know that at all. Because she supported the Palestinian cause doesn’t make her a jew hater.