Discussion for article #236222
“The last acceptable form of discrimination in this country now is two groups — one, Christians and, two, white men,” Tantaros said. “And that’s why she can get away with this. Why? Where are the organization in defense of white men? Where are the marches? Where are the editorials penned?”
She should stop drinking so much White Whine.
Oh, and she forgot the War on Christmas… a white holiday, coincidence, no?
I didn’t even have to LOOK at the article or picture to know it was “Andrea Tantaros” the stupid person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.
She is like any other “addict” needing a higher and higher dose of the “teh Crazy” the longer her addiction to “shock reporting” continues.
It is, however a LOT easier than actually working.
Have pity for the poor white Christian men. They are so discriminated against that they have to take solace in their higher pay and their privilege as they run the world.
Ms Tantaros must have been on vacation for the past couple weeks. I don’t remember seeing her typical stupid comments for a few days.
We need a NAAWP!!!
The burning question on my mind is…
Who the hell names their daughter “Jedidiah”?
That’s called the weekend.
I mean, I suppose we could have a productive discussion about the best role and image for men, but calling it discrimination? Really?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
I have to say, to be fair, that I find the incoming professor’s comment to be (a) offensive in its own right and (b) part of what has become the new smugly intellectually lazy knee-jerk “conventional wisdom” on the liberal side of the aisle lately. Tantoros, moldy intellectual sweatsock that she is, obviously went off into the land of hyperbole, utterly ruining any chance anyone has of pointing out the objectively bad taste and wrongheadedness of such a comment, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is, in fact, offensive and wrongheaded…not to mention somewhat useless, pretty unhelpful and counter-productive. But hey, she’s obviously a black woman and can make blanket generalizations like that about white men with impunity, especially if she thinks she turned a clever phrasing, because something something we’re at fault for everything. I’ll grant that it’s pretty unfortunate…and often super fun to make fun of…that the GOP/Teatrolls claim white and Christian oppression about every little thing that bunches their panties at this point. I love making fun of them for it myself. But fuck this professor lady for her tweets and attitude. She’ll no doubt claim she was just telling it like it is and that everyone in her targets for that kind of criticism has to shut up and take it without complaint because they’re all oppressors, etc., but really, what did she fucking achieve other than announcing to every white guy on campus that she probably won’t grade them fairly and will probably try to make an example of them in her seminar? Even UMass Amherst professor Nick Pappas pointed that out…it creates a hostile teaching environment. And sure, here we go again with the knee-jerk “conventional wisdom”…it’s their own fault, check your privilege at the door, don’t like it don’t take the class, etc.
And just for the record, it doesn’t include just what she’s quoted as saying in this TPM article…it includes a LOT more:
She full on exhibits a real problem with white people and whoever it is she decides fits into her classification of “European.” I’m not even sure her tweets are even historically accurate given the fact of caste systems and slavery in other societies on other continents…not to mention what the article itself points out about Arab involvement. Maybe technically, because white folks were the ones who first had ships capable of that kind of transport, but enslaving folks is not a “European” thing…it’s been a problem with humanity in general.
TPM should’ve done just a wee bit more research before publishing this article that makes her look like the victim. The full panoply of her tweeting behavior in the article i just linked shows that she’s an odious bigot, and no, that it is “revenge bigotry” doesn’t make it ok. If you want to know why conservative white Amurikkka and its GOP/Teatroll manifestation is in mid-freakout about the potential of bigotry and discrimination being visited upon Amurikkka’s white folks as a sort of vengeance when the demographic tables turn, all you have to do is look at the kind of shit she was spewing. She’s not professor material by an standard I would apply.
I have to admit that I do find the Tweet that prompted the discussion to be a bit annoying. I mean there are a heck of a lot of white guys and I am not really buying that we all share some collective “white masculinity.” But the notion that white men are somehow the ongoing victims of “discrimination” is beyond absurd. As with Christians. All I have to do is look at our elected government representatives to know that white males and Christians are doing just fine.
This isn’t hard. All she had to say was “I don’t believe in discriminating against white men any more than I believe in discriminating against black women. Both are wrong. Each of us should be judged on our own merits without reference to gender or race.” Then what she said would have been something we might agree upon.
I am getting to the point where I am sick of the whines coming out of cable news talking heads, especially the Fox News talking heads.
Read the article I linked and the rest of her tweets…especially the rest of her tweets. She’s just not ever going to say something like that. She’s a bomb thrower and thinks she’s being clever and has license to say things like that.
Heck, she even spent a few tweets shitting all over Bruce Jenner for being a republican even though she’s a transgender woman. Frankly, I don’t know that she’s all that more emotionally and intellectually mature than the 18 year olds she’d be teaching.
Since this is just another auto-generated stub article about something stupid on FOX that nobody would take seriously for a second anyway, let’s talk about the Hatch-Wyden-Ryan/Obama “fast track the TPP” bill. You know, I really dislike Assange, Snowden, Manning… I think there are very good reasons why some things are secret. But if it weren’t for wikileaks we would have no idea what is in the TPP at all. It seems to be a really toxic thing. I encourage people to pay attention to this, and not to some dumbass that FOX hired to distract you.
This woman is a nobody. Seriously. No one knew who the fuck she was until liberal media started posting her inanities, thus giving her further reach beyond her audience at the Faux outrage machine, for which she had probably a minimal audience at best. Please stop this TPM…you’re better than this. Its not like a public servant or politician said this. It was a racist, bigoted manufactured media ‘personality’, designed to inflame others for nothing other than pathetic ratings. And btw, Scott Brown is also a nobody, who tried to get elected in two different states and failed miserably. You will only see him looking in your rear-view mirror.
“It is the last acceptable form of discrimination in this country is against white men and that’s why they’re feminizing them even more to get rid of that masculinity,” Tantaros continued.
I don’t think that’s the reason you’re not getting laid, Ma’am.
I am a white man. I have never felt unprotected, nor discriminated against. Not in the least, not ever. EVER!
Wow, I read your link. As a professor I would think she would have a duty to communicate with others in a more respectful manner. It is not right to have someone teaching classes who is so obviously and openly seething with hostility toward one particular group of the student population.
Those are some incredible tweets. What is most amazing about her factual errors is she is going to be teaching African-American history and she doesn’t understand the slave trade. Incredible really. She needs to be careful, because in the Assistant Professor position you are disposable. They can just decide to not renew your contract, no explanation needed. And being a giant racist is a good way to make that happen.
That being said DO NOT read the comments under the linked article. They are so filled with bigotry and misogyny I almost started to agree with her.