Discussion: Fox Host Hits Santorum On Pope And Climate Change: You're Not A Scientist (VIDEO)

For which you nor your party have any legitimate solutions for.


I sort of wonder if even Fox News can see the writing on the wall and is kind of trying to walk back on some of the crazy they’ve helped build all these years. Seems like somebody up at the top had an epiphany and finally realized you can’t court insane people, racists and psychopaths and get away with it forever.


From the same interview, immediately following-up his “I think there are more pressing problems confronting the earth than climate change” presumed take-down of Pope Francis:

“I’m someone who’s trying go out there and make sure we have a revitalization in manufacturing and energy production.”

So, more pressing than stopping climate change is the desire to support the forces contributing to, and accelerating, climate change.

It’s the same old Rick: Santorum oozing from every orifice.


“There are more pressing problems confronting the earth than climate change," Santorum said.

Yes, Mr. Santorum, that would be mostly the war-hungry and fundamentalist religions who use politics and government to push their agendas. Namely Republican politicians and most of their “base.”


Didn’t he embarrass himself enough in the last cycle. Actually, he should have just given up when informed the Pope is in fact a scientist. So, only politicians get to pronounce on climate change.


Don’t forget Benghazi and denying healthcare to millions of Americans, mostly the poorest Americans!

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Um, no. Challenging and taunting guests generates sympathy for those guests from their supporters. Fox News won’t pay a ratings penalty for perceived rough treatment of guests. It probably enhances ratings and puts even more money in the bank. And the sympathy it generates translates into a hardening of support for the politicians and policy makers interviewed. A hardening of support that Fox wants in the long run. Who better to call you out than a friendly face from Fox News? All that happens is you offer a lame defense for your idiocy, which largely is given a pass, and then you move on to bashing Hillary. Benghazi!!!

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Ladies and gentlemen this is the reason Atheists’ are becoming attractive to young people.

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The reality of modern American politics is Santorum merely the spokesperson for his billionaire Foster Friess. Santorum doesn’t know enough to have an opinion on climate change. The press ought to be interviewing our billionaire overlords to find out what kind of world they have in store for us. Instead they talk to shills like Santorum, Walker and Rubio.


LAUNCELOT: Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of
the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his
own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of
your son: give me your blessing: truth will come
to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son
may, but at the length truth will out.

Atheism will one day dominate simply because the truth will out. Delusion, superstition and fantasy eventually fall to the wayside.
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Looks like Santorum isn’t getting Faux’s endorsement.

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As an ex-Catholic, I love seeing the uncomfortable mental gyrations right wing Catholics go through as they try ignoring the things he says that challenge their beliefs.

However, I don’t want to equally be a hypocrite. Politicians may personally find guidance from their religious beliefs, but they have to be able to justify them in secular terms and in terms of US laws. If we crow about how they support the death penalty even though the Pope is against it, then we can’t complain when they try to take away abortion and birth control options because the Pope is against it.

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The Pope communicates directly with God. He does not need to be a scientist.

In a side note, which I don’t think is unimportant, where did Wallace get his numbers? 80-90%? Since when? Studies have been out for the last few years showing 97-98% consensus. He appears to be hard on Santorum, but still drops the percentages to 80-90 when it is much higher. Just Fox News doing what they can to plant the seeds of doubt and delay progress.


That can’t be true. Any compassionate man of the cloth with a direct line to God would have asked God to allow the invention of a universal TV remote that actually worked as advertised.


He’s certainly not helping, but atheism is all but inevitable as the default position for America in the next century. Evangelizers are in-between a rock and a hard place; if they go left, they fail to evangelize very well at all; if they go right, they capture additional people short-term and create a harder long-term reaction.


The pope is expected to release a strong statement on climate change in an encyclical by June 18.

Which will bring it under the umbrella of papal infallibility. Ricky Santorum will have to dial back his anti-global warming rhetoric or risk excommunication.

As Pope Pius XII put it:

Hence if anyone, which God forbid, should dare willfully to deny or to call into doubt that which We have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith.

Po’ Ricky. He’s about to get slapped down by the church.

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It’s really sad that Nixon would be a minor elected official, assuming he could get elected, in today’s Republican party. That being said, he really isn’t welcome over in the Democratic Party either.

@THX1138 - I think somebody at the top realized Santorum doesn’t have a prayer of being elected to anything (see MattinPAs comment), so it’s OK to ridicule him. Maybe this is their way of implying that Santorum ought to back out of the race or face more ridicule.

Whereas they’d accept just about the same statement from Jeb Bush without a second thought.

@steviedee111 - Citation :smile:


I always figured that Wallace’s sane moments were staged to give him faux gravitas…but given how little coverage climate change gets (let alone accurate coverage), I’ve actually gained a little respect for him today.

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That is the money quote—because it exposes the flat tax argument for what it is-----a way to decimate the federal government and return the US to what it was under the failed and unworkable Articles of Confederation.

This kind of massive reduction in federal revenues would totally destroy the social safety net, which makes conservatives giddy with anticipation.
It would also make the US a weak and inconsequential Third World nation.