Discussion for article #234392
This woman is about as dumb as they get. Scrapping the bottom of the barrel at Fox.
Personality - when no other credential applies. Followed by the more factual - Panelist.
Headline didn’t mention which Fox host. My money was on Bitsy Hasselbeck. Damn! I lost.
I’ll admit the “war on men” utterance is hysterical. Of course, it’s a play on the “war on women” line, which is pretty much what most observant people would expect from FOX news.
First off thanks for not calling her a journalist … although I think that using the term personality in its place might be ascribing to her talents and attributes she does not hold … just like her supposed intelligence.
So, according to her logic the fact that I chose to have beef over chicken last night means that I hate Chicken right? Even the glasses aren’t helping her.
Facts, anyone?
That’s because HIl’s a lesbian, isn’t she?
HITlary DEclAREs WAr ON EMaiL, WAR on MEN, and BENGHAZI!11!1one!11!!!
Anybody else suspect that there is a contest going on between Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery and Andrea Tantaros to see who can make the most incredibly stupid statements on the air.
Well the program is called “outnumbered” after all. True to form they are ALL victims of one sort or another. I wish it were true that they were outnumbered by a wide margin.
Benghazi One. Hillary should name her campaign plane that to really piss off the baggers.
Kennedy was an asshole when she was on MTV and she still is.
Close to the mark Eustace.
I am going to be honest. I KNOW, in a textbook fashion, why so many people vote republican, but for me to emotionally accept this would be to accept the fact that fully 45+% of the population of the United States would take pleasure in self-mutilation.
Emilio…we’re talking Fox here. Facts are superfluous. And they can legally lie all they want cuz they’re an “entertainment network” don’cha know…
(lays head in hands)
thaT is A true facT. HITlarY threW a LAMP at BILL in a Fit of RAGE, thUS eMASculAting him, which IS LESBO 101. Also, HitlARY was in leSBO lOve affair wITH Mary Mahoney WHO she HAD killeD in the GEORGetwon StarbucKS.
A Fox News personality argued Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s focus on women’s issues amounted to a “war on men.”
Argued, really?? ARGUED?? Since when does making a preposterous, extracted from one’s anus, unsubstantiated, comment constitute “argue” or an “argument”? And personality?? Even “human, undead, body” is too kind a phrase for this idiot.
I see a very subtle shift in Fox “News” “Reportiing” away from Everything-in-Gods-Creation-that-is-wrong-with-the-planet-as-Christian-Rightwingers-see-it is Obama’s fault, to Hillary-is-the-new-AntiChrist. This trend will accelerate as we move through the 2016 Presidential election process and reach a crescendo on the eve of the election and Hillary appears to be on the verge of kicking their sorry conservative ass again. Really, Obama should take Hillary for a drink and thank her.
Old news: “Forest Fire Raging in American West: Obama’s Muslim-loving Fault.”
New news: “Car Crash injures family of four: Hillary’s war on Men to Blame.”
That’s a TPM typo… the actual program name is “OutDumbered.”