Discussion for article #234496
I don’t want her voting…but that’s okay, pretty soon she won’t be allowed to vote will she?
Mandatory voting? OK by me.
More democracy=authoritarianism. Another blackwhite day on at the GOP Minitrue.
“I don’t understand where the President falls on this: Is he against freedom?" she asked.
There could be a box at the bottom to mark that just said, “I am way too confused and in love with my “freedom” to participate in Democracy by voting.”
Tantaro and her posse want people to think they’re engaged enough to vote. Something tells me they don’t.
“If you’re not engaged enough to vote, please don’t. Stay home unless you’re a Republican. Then I want you to vote early and often.”
Did someone go back in time and pluck this woman out of Marie Antionette’s boudoir?
“Cancer?! That’s Hilarious!”
There is no mention of mandatory voting in the segment of the speech posted here, only speculation about what would happen “if everybody voted.” Am I missing something?
“Do we really want everybody voting?”
According to her, only PARTY MEMBERS (Republican) should be able to vote.
Gee, isn’t that how the SOVIET UNION did it?
“Mandatory” is an alternative pronunciation for “minority.”
Exactly, because if the people who voted for scary black president who is scary really understood the issues they wouldn’t have voted for him. And because, once again, minorities are stupid, ignorant people who just aren’t engaged or smart enough to understand the issues at hand like white, Republicans do.
That’s pretty much their argument.
If people were not distracted, this on-the-air exchange would have immediately disqualified FOX from ever being in the broadcasting position it is.
So says one of the GOPers who wants to make it hard for minorities to vote. More thinly disguised racism by a GOPer.
The irony is that the most knowledgeable and educated voters are Democrats.
Andrea likes to let out the line on her fascism a little at a time.
Saying “it would be transformative if everybody voted.” is hardly “mandatory voting”. It’s also true. But one thing is for sure, voter suppression tactics work, at least in the short term
The more I listen to this girl, Andrea, the more I realize she is not that bright.
Wow, you don’t have to be blonde on Faux news to be an airhead…