Yeah, they “looked” for a statutory basis. Then signed the order anyway when they couldn’t find one.
It’s as if Fox realizes too many people are asking these obvious questions, so they contrive a safe arena to lob the questions as softballs so the perpetrators can defend themselves without fear of contradiction or inconvenient fact-checking.
We’ll see if this trend continues and if it actually conveys any truth to Fox viewers. In my opinion, it’s just a smokescreen, not intended to objectively discuss anything. Still Ailes’ propaganda.
“Statutory basis,” of course, doesn’t mean jack.
There is a clear, simple Federal statute which criminalizes acts of torture. The Bush Administration had no “statutory basis” for what it called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” so they made up some mumbo-jumbo in a memo and proceeded on their merry way.
Their legal analysis had as much basis in law as their claims of WMD had in fact.
Murdoch has seen the polls and knows the end is near for Fox if they don’t change soon. The real indicator will be if/when Ailes “steps down”. Fox gave in to the base demands for all Benghazi, all the time and it has not helped their numbers.
Exactly. They know that anyone with a brain would think of the obvious absurdity of these positions and wonder about it. There just hoping that Karl and friends can pull a rabbit out of there butts to answer them and at the very least, if they can’t, the Fox folks are not caught with their pants down.
And they think of both pursuits of impeachment as “payback” for Nixon.
The ghost of Dick Nixon still haunts us. We call him Dick Cheney.
Bush most certainly did NOT look for a statutory basis for what he did. Instead he created one out of whole cloth, one that doesn’t pass any kind of smell test. He lied about the reasons and the legality for invading Iraq; he lied about the legality of torture; he lied about the basis for the Patriot Act; he lied about everything he did. Sorry, Karl, but you have polluted the airwaves more than your share already. Time for you to go crawl into your hole.
Pfft. The W administration tortured human beings without compunction and they were equally shameless about torturing logic, the law, and common sense to get the derisory “statutory basis” they wanted. Anyone who’s seen a lawyer with a weak case make a Hail Mary pass knows what “statutory basis” is worth when people just want to win and get their way. Come on, it’s Rove. You couldn’t get a truthful insight out of that mouth if you took a blowtorch to him.
Many of you may not remember it, but John Yoo was fondly known around the White House by his nickname…Statutory Basis.
Rove insisted that the Bush administration always looks for a “statutory basis” in legislation when exercising executive powers,
Just like they looked for WMD’s in Iraq!
Obama has committed the unpardonable treasonous act of “Being a Democratic President” with the additional scurrilous, dastardly, and heinous crime of doing it “while being Black”.
Thus he is open to any and all bat-shit-insane charges and accusations by the new gatekeepers of the John Birch Society; Fox News.
That this is any surprise to anyone is what is really frightening.
Bull. Rove is as evil as Atwater.