Discussion: Fox Host Challenges Rove On Boehner Lawsuit: How's Obama Worse Than Bush?

Problem is that unless FOX says THIS over and over again, no FOX viewer will know about it.


How’s that “permanent republican majority” working for you Karl? It’s right up there with the “thousand year reich,” isn’t it?


I guess the question is Fox’s response to those on the right who blame the network for not succeeding in turning back the clock in America (and have been clamoring for an FNC boycott until they repent)…

he’ll end up in hell with atwater syndrome

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“Can you honestly say that you believe this president is going further than President Bush did in exercising his executive powers?”

“Absolutely,” Rove responded.

Well, of course he’s going to say that no matter what. Did anyone think he would break down and confess that “No, we really did go overboard, but that’s okay because we’re Republicans and Obama is … near.” Sheesh.

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There was a premise to Clinton’s impeachment.
At the least a figment.

There’s none where BHO is concerned.
No equivalency whatsoever.



I think true pigs are immune to Atwater syndrome. They never apologize. See: Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney on Iraq in recent days.

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Well put jw. I tried to say the same thing on another string, but you put it better.


Good observation. And I was cursory earlier: certainly Rove & the Bush neo-cons are not Tea-Party. I do feel that Ailes is trying to decide which way to jump. Certainly he and his billionaire friends want a candidate who is controllable, not a loose cannon, and they’re struggling to find someone who can garner enough support from the wingnuts to win a primary but then successfully pivot for the general. I think they’re trying to tamp down the Tea Party now because they don’t want more party-splitting in the '16 primaries.

I also think they’re panicked–not sure they can succeed at the above. The base is too crazy.


[quote=“MustangBobby, post:26, topic:6185”]
Can you honestly say that you believe this president is going further than President Bush did in exercising his executive powers?
“Absolutely,” Rove responded.
[/quote] The Turd Blossom is talking abut President Romney. No??

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Fox has decided to play the “devil’s advocate” game lately. Asking questions as though they don’t already know the answers to give people like Karl a chance to try and defend his hypocrisy and try to redeem his and the rest of the Bush administration’s legacy.

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The question is not which one is worse … it’s why they are so similar. In 2006 the Supreme Court decided that Bush’s plan to use military tribunals to try Gitmo detainees was unconstitutional. But the practice remains in place today. On national security, privacy, military intervention, failure to regulate Wall Street … I don’t see as much of a contrast between the two as I would like.

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Agis, I agree there are number of things where Obama hasn’t changed things as much as I had hoped or expected. However, there is no doubt that Obama was still the better choice for the instances where he has acted (health care, gay rights). He tried to do the right thing in regards to processing the Gitmo prisoners, but the backlash was too huge and he probably felt that his political energy was better spent on other things.

One case where I feel the administration completely fell down was in prosecuting Wall Street law breaking and not pushing for more regulation and rewinding the liberties given to the industry to self-police back during the Clinton administration.

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Executive orders so far:
Obama-174 to date
Bush II-290
Bush I-165

and none of the other recent Presidents were sued.


Oh, but it’s the content of the executive order, not the number.

That’s the nonsense reply you’ll get.


That’s due to the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which was passed in response to Hamdan vs Rumsfeld.

The link give ya the content of each order all the way back to Methuselah.

Hey, Turd Blossom!! (Your president knew you we so well!)

This the best ya got??!!

Tell us again about Ohio back in 2012. What was that all about?

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Does anybody expect that Rove would start being honest today? What is his motivation to do that? None.