Ailes may have cheered Donald on, but Trump would/does/has body-shamed countless times.
Gutfeld did not mention Roger Ailes by name. But
nothing, actually.
I really doubt it. Trump ego is so huge that he will always double down and never admit any mistake. He can never be wrong.
“I wonder who’s giving that advice?” Greg Gutfeld quipped.
Bet he was holding that one in for awhile.
Profiles in Fox courage.
Roger Ailes leading Trump to higher ground. What a hero.
Feels like a post-mortem already.
“…has loomed large over the Trump campaign after it was revealed he was helping the GOP nominee with debate prep.”
has loomed large over the Trump campaign after it was revealed he was helping the GOP nominee with debate derp.
Lard-ass Roger Ailes fat-shaming someone. Go figure.
It’s Trump himself. Reportedly, there are always guys like Trump creeping around beauty pageants, acting very sketchy toward the contestants. In this case, the creeper bought the pageant, but that’s Trump. Hypercritical of women and their bodies while he knows that his own ass is so big that he never lets a picture be taken if he doesn’t have a jacket on. Think about it; the man dresses like Rosie O’Donnell, while hurling body-shaming epithets at her. Self-hate much? For a guy who’s over six feet, he sure does have a bad case of “small-man syndrome.”
What with Trump’s blistering criticism of other peoples’ appearance, one would think that with his huuuuuggge wealth he would own a mirror. He and Ailes are both complete and total slobs.
I remember when Juan Williams was host of TOTN. I came to like him a lot then, but then was repeatedly saddened to see him in his role at Fox News. Although I guess sometimes he doesn’t mind saying things that make the other hosts uncomfortable.
In this regard, Tramp needs no advice. He’s proudly misogynistic.
Are you kidding? That was ALL Trump, baby. He can’t help himself.
And the funniest part was how he went on TV the VERY NEXT MORNING, to confirm the allegations that Alicia Machado detailed in the video we all watched the night before. The contempt in his voice was soooooo clear.
It amuses me to imagine KellyAnn Conway trying to wrestle him back as he shuffles out onto the set, leaping on his back, trying desperately to choke him into unconsciousness…until he’s riiiiiggghhhttt at the edge of camera’s view, then she slides off, straightens out her skirt, bunches up her blouse, and blows a loose strand of hair out of her eye, glancing around, going, “GodDAMMIT!”
Still, Trump has a serious problem. It hit me during the Khan debacle that Trump only seriously flips out over minorities. And not just minorities, but ones he believes are beneath him. Even if they happen to be well-respected federal judges. I realized it at the Dem convention because Trump took some SERIOUS criticism from just about everyone. In fact, compared to some of the others, the Khan’s were downright nice. Yet he let that shit roll right off his back.Even Hillary’s criticisms didn’t merit much beyond a “Crooked Hillary” comment or two. (But see, he feels, deep down, that Hillary, even though she is a woman, is above him.) But the ones that got stuck in his head and just started hamsterwheeling was the criticism from the Khan’s.
Clearly, Hillary and her team understands that too. Throwing out Machado was a stroke of genius of motherfuckin genius.
Ailes probably suggested the fat shaming because Alicia Machado wouldn’t sleep with him. The bitter is strong with that one.
It’s not over until Roger bellows.
Nice to see that even with Ailes gone the random leg shots and high heels remain … Ummmm, Er… never mind.
They (the Trump campaign) are determined to keep using that torn up playbook against someone who already knows her responses in advance.
O.k. then
As much of a pig as Ailes is, I doubt Trump needed to be cajoled by him into fat-shaming anyone. That seems to be a domination reflex in him plenty well developed over the years.