Discussion for article #233754
I’m more concerned that it’s been infiltrated by Christian extremists like this idiot.
Last time I checked, Frankie, there was a Commandment against bearing false witness.
Christo-Fascist Whisperer.
“I do know that they are there. I’ve been told this by a number of
people,” Graham responded. “I’m not saying that they’re sitting next to
the President, whispering into his ear. ** But they are in the halls**.”
Is he referring to some of the members of the janitorial staff?
Fuck you, Graham, you hypocritical racist, fascist, homophobic moron, and the Sky Fairy you rode in on. And fuck that decrepit father of yours, too, who is just as much of an asshole as you are but has been propped up by the media as some kind of rational Christian. They are both just as extremist as any other religious terrorist, and should be treated with the respect a vile piece of shit deserves. Stop treating these idiots with deference. Scream insults in their goddamned faces. That is all they deserve.
The only muslin in the White House is in the sheets. What, the muslin is in the halls? Oh, that’s different.
I can’t take much more of the crazy
PRay for THE MOsleMs to BEcOME chRistians SO THEY won’t BURn FORever IN A LITeraL LAKE of FIRe.
You know, there was a time when making this sort of admission to a national audience would make one question the speaker’s sanity. This is one of those times. What the hell is Graham going on about now? We already know that he’s a superstitious, ignorant person who believes an invisible man in the sky is responsible for creating and running our world. Why on earth would anyone give this latest idiotic accusation any crediblity? As I have written many times before, we now treat obviously insane (or lying) individuals as speaking truthfully, because they are given some sort of media platform. Next up, Graham attempts to prove that 2+2=5. That’s what we call “FREEDUMB!!!1!”
i agree. Nice to see someone else around here who has a potty mouth and not afraid ti say what he/she thinks and feels
But the good news surrounding proselytizers is that the FBI had a file on the head of Westboro going back to 1967 when they recommend he seek psychiatric care. Maybe we’ll learn later they’re doing the same with Graham Crackers.
Jesus, if he existed, would have spit on Franklin Graham.
It sounds like Frankie is into the hard stuff again.
"I do know that they are there. I’ve been told this by a number of people"
I’m thinking, his barber, the cable guy, a woman he met in an elevator, and the next-door neighbor’s babysitter’s best friend.
He says it as if simply being Muslim is something nefarious. I must’ve missed that memo, are they not allowed to live in certain areas, and hold jobs in certain fields? What does that sound reminiscent of?
When I look out into your eyes out there,
When I look out into your faces,
You know what I see?
I see a little bit of Muslim
In each and every one of you out there.
Lemme tell ya…
Muslims is everywhere
Muslims is everything
Muslims is everybody
“I do know that they are there. I’ve been told this by a number of people…I’m not saying that they’re sitting next to the President, whispering into his ear. But they are in the halls.”
He’s protected by free speech.
But, apart from that, Francisco, here, is going to be surprised…
Before and after death.
¨I do know Franklin Graham fluffs goats for bestiality porn. I’ve been told this by a number of people.¨