Discussion for article #233972
Yes, Sean, I have stopped my anti-psychotic medications against my doctor’s advice. Why do you ask?
“Barack Obama is a community activist”…Sorry dude. Barack Obama is President of the USA, and nothing you call him or say can change the fact he was elected twice. Now, get outta here you stupid fuck.
Mark Levin is auditioning to be a GOP debate moderator.
I don’t believe he actually brought up Reagan with all his Central American atrocities.
"You know I think back to Reagan. Reagan was the liberator. "
The only thing Reagan liberated if your cock from your pants so you could stroke it to his memory, you ignorant fucking putz.
More enslavement? Are you aware of the fact that if a woman wants to divorce in Israel she must have her husbands permission.
“Netanyahu is a warrior, he’s a combat veteran,” Levin said. “He is a leader who takes his commander in chief responsibilities seriously”
And my last name is LEVIN!! I am not a shiksa, take me dammit!!! Do me over and over and till I hurt in that oh so good way.
Conservatives have got to be fucking braindead and deaf to possibly tolerate this pile of excrement. The sooner this asshole and his ilk are in the ground, the sooner we all can be free.
Why do they keep bringing on sewer rats? One after another.
This is another guy who uses the word “schwarze” in reference to the POTUS whenever he thinks no tape is rolling. I bet if you put him on the phone with Bibi, they’d achieve a new record of like 20 “schwarzes” per minute.
FOX has become nothing more than just one racist asshole trying to outdo the next racist asshole in a never-ending attempt to appeal to a bunch of racist assholes.
Rupert Murdoch is a lesbian.
Incoherent babble much?
because in levin’s world, history began the day barrack hussein obama was sworn into office. perhaps someone could send mr levin a history book or 12…
this is actually an indication of just how successful obama has been – he’s driving these wingnuts even deeper into the loony bin than ever thought possible…
Levin is known as a thought leader. Always considerate and fair, he never lets his emotions get in the way of good sound reasoning. People crave his counsel, some see him as the Party’s premier intellectual. and no wonder
Go glad World War 2 was in ancient times.
What an piece of dung.
For him,that’s tame. Ever listen to his radio show? RWNJ if there ever was one.
We should be so lucky.