Discussion: Fox Guest: Reciting Pledge In Arabic Puts Students On Same Page As Islamic State

Discussion for article #234536

Actually, it would have been like speaking German during World War One, when the US succumbed to a Fox-style wave of ignorant anti-German feeling (“Liberty Cabbage” instead of sauerkraut). In World War Two, when the stakes were much higher and head much clearer, the allies adopted a symphony by an echt-German composer Ludwig van Beethoven as one of its Victory symbols.

Oh, and you would think a self-identified Muslim would know better than to make a big deal out of saying “under Allah” - once and for all, ‘Allah’ is not the scary name of their terrifying death-cult deity, it is simply the Arabic word for ‘God’.


The pledge is to the flag “and to the Republic for which it stands.” The language the pledge is spoken in is irrelevant–it’s analogous to people’s getting upset over American patriotic songs sung in other languages. It’s not the language that matters; it’s the meanings of the words those languages convey.


I’m thinking the FOX people aren’t thinking things through.

If instead of ostracising the “Arabs” wouldn’t welcoming them and embracing their culture actually be more effective, especially since the vast majority of them have zero tolerance for terrorists? I’ll never understand conservatives.


Germany declared war on the US. Don’t think “Arabic” has.


I was looking to post Coca-Cola’s Superbowl commercial with people singing America the Beautiful in different languages. Coke has taken it private. Interesting.


Doesn’t matter what language they speak, even if it was Germans during WWII, they are still pledging allegiance to this country.


Stupid people.
Convincing stupid people.



Well, perhaps taking a cue from the Neocons about the IMPORTANCE of terminology, we should distinguish that Fox does not represent ALL conservatives, but rather, a particularly low brow, intellectually dishonest, lying, bigoted RADICAL conservative ideology, an ideology which strangely features spokespersons wearing pink high heels while expounding their radical ideology, I think that would help all of us understand better.

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WhatEVUH! Fox and Friends is the one place in the newsertainment wasteland we can look to for a deeply-considered highly-nuanced widely-varied discussion on race, religion and ethnicity.

We’ve all come to learn to trust the lobotomized-parrot stare and droppings of C3Doocebot, and the gluepot-licking incitements of RIKilbot – but what a frickin’ FRILL to eye-witness the new heights to which ELsexbot2 has lifted this important story, the point of which is so hot and current and right on that I cannot for the life of me make any sense of it …

other than apparently we’re headed to the point where every Fox talking head will push to round up all Moose-lams, Ay-rabs, and Pershings, and ship 'em off to south east Cuba to build their own culturally tolerant internment camps in a giant Gitmo Infrastructure Expansion.

There’s your big fat new STIM opportunity, Obama: Islamic concen-- uh, uh, internment camps, plus approve all oil and gas pipelines anywhere and everywhere throughout the world, the galaxy and the universe that begin with the letter Key for Keyanu or K for Kanada, approve baby drilling everywhere Bambi could have had a baby or any owl ever even thought about nesting,. and dynamic scorn AP testing, Social Insecurity, Medicare For Black Folks (Leave Medicare For White Folks Aloooooonnnne), close all post offices not named for Ronald Reagan or Rbt E. Lee, and unpeel Obummercare.

Well, also, treating German-Americans in World War II the way we did in World War I would inevitably have led to uncomfortable questions about why we hadn’t rounded them all up and stuck them into concentration camps the way we did with Japanese-Americans. Especially given that there were a lot more German-Americans who were actually involved in the kind of subversive and treasonous activities we claimed were our excuse for locking up Japanese-Americans . . .


Allow me to introduce you to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud. HRH is Citigroup’s largest individual shareholder, the second-largest voting shareholder in 21st Century Fox, he owns Paris’s Four Seasons Hotel George V and part of Plaza Hotel.


That might be because these people aren’t really conservatives in any but the most contrived sense of the word.
They’re credulous, weak-minded people, many with honest-to-God, DSM-type cognitive or mental health problems and the rest too lazy, ignorant and/or cowardly to do the (admittedly considerable) labor of sorting facts from opinions (let alone getting those facts right), doing their own thinking, or accepting the reality to which such thinking leads them.
They call themselves “conservatives” because they have to call themselves something.


So is this guy suggesting Arabic be made illegal?
If one wants to fight an enemy it is usually helpful to understand them, their motivations and…hence … their language.
We followed this guys train of thought in WW2 and imprisoned Japanese Americans (who were citizens0 simply because of the fact they looked a certain way.

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I can see what he’s trying to say…

…and that’s how I know it’s stupid.

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…or just like speaking in a Southern Drawl during the Civil War…

Yeah, death threats’ll do that.


Not really OT, but this reminds me of a family story about when my grandfather was in the Sea-bees during WWII.

His mother was from Austria originally and while she could speak English she was only really able to read German. So when he would write her letters he would write them in German. Well as the story goes, one day he was taken aside by some Naval Intelligence agents and they started grilling him about why he was writing letters in German. So, he explains about his mother and points out that they translated the letters and could see there wasn’t anything in them that you wouldn’t see in a letter from any serviceman writing home to mother. He is eventually able to convince them that he isn’t a spy (because of course a spy would be sending letters in German through the Military Mail system), but they still tell him to stop writing letters in German and “because he is an American now” they forced him to Anglicize his first name. The thing he always found funny about it was that he was serving in the Pacific so he wasn’t sure what the big fuss was about.

Of course all of that rigmarole about language was stupid then and it is stupid now. Just because people put up with that stupid then is no reason for us to put up with it now. In fact quite the opposite, we should learn from the past and not repeat its stupidity.


These people (and I use the term loosely) revel in their willful, arrogant, and deliberate stupidity. They consider it a badge of honor of the highest caliber. To have an education obviously marks one as a them commie pinko liburuls.
I’ve observed this thought pattern up close and I think it’s a combination of faulty brain wiring coupled with and reenforced by constant exposure to Fox news.


Wait a second.

The words “under God” are already in our Pledge of Allegiance. Christo-fascist extremists put them there, and they’re trying to unite their Jesusphate under that. The youth, our Christian youth who might be radicalized, they’re Christopatriots going to fight for Jesus and our God-given oil on which He, ever the jokester, just happened to put a bunch of Muslims. So our plan has been, and continues to be, kill anyone that stands in our way.

So the Pledge strikes at the core of why we’re allied with Likud and why we have no problem slaughtering innocent Muslims by the hundreds of thousands “to bring them freedom”, you flaming dumbass.

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