Discussion: Fox Guest On Whether ISIS Is In America: I Would 'Bet My Life' On It

Discussion for article #226337

I thought it was al-queda that was already here. Now it’s ISIS?

Worth of Lynch’s life: $0.12


Has Fox Not Really News dusted off the terror warning color chart yet?

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I never know if these guys are just con artists or really are so easily frightened and paranoid all the time.


He is right. He saw them cross the border.


And will purple be in the chart?

What is with this rampant anti-violetism?

That’s Vanilla Isis and he’s building houses…


Annie, these clowns scare SO easy, it’s a major act of courage for them to go get their mail twice a week.


…and they’re taking your jobs AND they’re bringing Ebola with them!


That’s 11 cents too high.

“I have worked in the desert and I have caught these people before and I’ve seen Qurans, prayer rugs, you name it. They’re already here.”

Just like the Cryptkeeper said there were decapitated corpses in the desert? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/sep/08/jan-brewer/gov-jan-brewer-talks-beheadings-th-arizona-desert/

Now, when you were in the shifting sands, Dave, you remembered to drink plenty of water, right?

Beat me to it :smile:

Lynch would be the Evagihaddist doppelganger of ISIS when Christianity becomes the state religion under President Paul.

Hey, I have watched Archer. Of course ISIS is already here, his mother runs it (badly)!

Well, I never said it was 12 cents AMERICAN.

The evil vs stupid debate. The answer is both.


How do we keep him from welshing on this bet the way Hannity did on the water-boarding thing?

Where’s Ming the Merciless to hold people to statements like this when you need him? (Yeah, I know, he’s probably playing pinochle with Cheney the Undying in a Secure Undisclosed Location.

I bet you the ISIS in the USA is that Dinesh D’Sousa guy.

Looks all dusky skinned and everything.

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He has caught these people? I missed the part where he was a member of law enforcement. I think when a private citizen detains someone against their will it’s called kidnapping.

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ISIS is already here - a.k.a. the TeaParty.