Discussion: Fox Guest On Ferguson Protestors: 'They Want Dead Cops'

Whoever took the shots wanted dead cops obviously. Usually when someone gets shot, the person who did the shooting wants the other person dead. That goes for police, murderers, soldiers, assassins, self-defenders, people who work on firing squads, etc.


Yea because people supporting the police would never try to make the protesters look bad by doing something like shooting a cop and trying to put the blame on the protestors.

Conflating innocent demonstrators with the criminal shooter is the oldest trick in the book meant to put the protestors on the defensive. A union rep would not have said this unless it represents the thinking of Ferguson rank and file police officers. Therefore this bears out what the DOJ report found essentially- that the entire police force top to bottom has a bunker mentality re all of Ferguson’s black community.


I have yet to see a police union rep that wasn’t a complete raging asshole and police-statist.

“Shut the fuck up and do what we tell you, or we will shoot you in cold blood and it will be your fault.”


Police shoot dozens of Black men every year & see no trend, but shoot two cops and they see the trend immediately.


What the protesters want is justice. What they get is police who think they’re animals and then treat them as such.

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“Dead cops, that’s what they want,” Roorda said.

Oh bunk. The simple fact is if that many people wanted “dead cops” we would have lots of dead cops.


And yet totally representative of bad the police force there is. Validates the negative report of their police department.


I worked with cops as a prosecutor, and I saw oodles of testimony from and about them in transcripts at the Court of Criminal Appeals when I drafted opinions for three of the judges there.

Many? Yeah, but there’re a shitload of cops, so many of them can fit just about any category you can imagine.

Most? No way in hell. The good ones are in the minority, and noticeably so. Same is true of prosecutors.

“Dead cops, that’s what they want”

That’s what conservatives want, or did I misunderstand Cliven Bundy?

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Not clear. The police were claiming that a pistol was used and the boards here were responding that in that case these were close to miracle shots. So presumptively if the shooter intended to kill with a little more effort and/or planning he could have done so.

I believe one guy got hit in the face. That’s a head shot. Those are not meant to wound. There were muzzle flashes from about 125 yards away. I have not seen any confirmation that a pistol was used.

And the posts you referenced are speculative. I’d say shots from that far away that hit both cops, one in the face, were deliberate and meant to kill. But we’ll see what shakes out when they find casings, weapons, suspects, etc.

Question whether the shooting even had anything to do with the protest. Witnesses said that the shots came from over 100 yards away from the location of the police and protesters. The shots were directed at both the police and protesters. Nobody seems to know just what was happening where the shooting started. We could be looking at something as inane as several people getting involved in an argument, one of them deciding to escalate the firepower being used and firing at an intended victim only to miss and hit somebody where the police and protesters were congregated. Clearly the shooter was not a sharp-shooter and the weapon was not some long-arm, because the two officers hit would likely not have survived. This whole incident sounds like nothing so much as one of those drive-by shootings which go horribly wrong with the intended targets totally unhurt and some other innocent bystander getting gunned down.

Yes, one guy got hit in the face. That’s either a head shot or a miss depending on where the shooter was aiming. The point is that if the shooter intended a head shot he was accurate enough that if he came a little closer he would have ensured kills.

I think Vegas odds on that theory are quite high. Yes, it’s possible, but I seriously doubt it.

Yes, I doubt the shooter was a professional sniper or the officers would be dead. But why would rifle use mean automatic death?