It’s the venue which brings out their inner Nazi.
It’s obvious that the Justice Department needs to clean house there in Ferguson - top to bottom.
CNN reporting 2 men 1 women being investigated in a house in Ferguson.
I’m curious: Isn’t a police department subject to public scrutiny and criticism? Do any of these people question the factual accuracy of the DOJ report?
I have to assume by their rhetoric, that they don’t want to proceed any further with the publication of Sec. of State Clinton’s e-mails, as that might be pouring kerosene on the fire.
What is it with police union spokespeople and there sheer batshit utterances?
I don’t see much difference between their inner Nazi and their outer Nazi.
What an irresponsible statement. The place is already at the boiling point. Something like that is just what people need to put them over the top.
I’m appalled by the number of people who have taken to social media who “already know who to blame,” when we don’t even have any idea who the shooter was, never mind his or her motive.
- Was it a protestor?
- Was it a provocateur?
- Was it a mentanlly unstable person?
Before blame is assigned we must know who fired the shots. Period.
This is so opposite from the Chief of the St. Louis Co police in his press conference this morning. From what I saw of it, while of course condemning the shooting of the two officers, he was very careful to separate the protesters from the shooter. He was not inflammatory at all.
The Germans wore grey. He wore blue.
Ah yes, I remember it well.
FOx news where race baiting thrumps facts.
And to think this clown is a Democrat.
What the protestors want is less dead kids.
And I’ll bet he knows all about rounding up the usual suspects.
If you want to talk about throwing fuel on the fire, there it is.
Yes, attacking cops is bad and is virtually never justified. But so is a police department overrun with racism. Let’s not act like real grievances have somehow been made null by some other bad thing happening, that’s ridiculous.
And of course, if you want an objective critique, bring in a typical hard right wing police union rep. They are almost all the same in their idealogy and conservative bigotry. Think about it, if the DOJ had just come out with a report like this about your community and how a certain sector of your community had been rountinely mis treated, would you be surprised that someone didn’t lose it and fire off some shots? I am not condoning what happened, but not surprised either.
Inflammatory vitriol served up fresh daily from human dolls who let other people dress them in carefully coordinated clothes.
This guy is looking for a severance package including a free years worth of pay.
What the protestors want is to be rid of people, especially cops, just like this. They would also like some retribution and recognition of the inequality that is institutionalized. The protestors would like it if the people that are intended to serve and protect, did just that and that they didn’t have to literally, walk in fear.
This cop knows what the protestors want because inside he wants it to. The opportunity in life to be all that you can be (sorry Army), to feel safe and secure, to be proud of yourself and your country, to be able to make a mistake, apologize, pay your fair debt and have a chance to redeem yourself instead of being shot dead.
This cop just said that the protestors want dead cops, what if he is just shot dead before he gets a chance to explain? Its about the same difference.
He is speculating and making wild accusations based on his prejudices. Remember the word prejudice, back when racism was out loud and proud, prejudice was the exact word for describing bigotry.
Search the word prejudice and see just how exact it is, bigotry too.
[quote] Ferguson Protesters ‘Want Dead Cops’ [/quote] Hey Ferggy Po-Po:
If anyone wants you dead, it’s because of YOUR OWN ACTIONS.