Discussion: Fox Guest: Michelle Obama Got Into Princeton Because Of Affirmative Action (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #236243

And George W. Bush got into Yale as a Legacy and got away with getting poorer than average grades.

Sorry, someone sounds slightly bitter overall.


And John McCain was at the bottom of his class, being helped by his father into positions he did not earn.


In right-wing world, all successful Blah people achieved success through affirmative action.


My FLOTUS is a beautiful woman and a strong positive role model. All I have to say to this person comes from grade school, ‘It takes one to know one.’ Affirmative action, my ass.


The FOX tokens have the agenda down pat.


Angela McGlowan was interviewed by Fox News because she is “affirmatively” stupid!


…and just think, all this will be forgotten after Hillary is sworn in and then we’ll have a rehash of all the Clinton rumors of the 90’s.

Somebody shoot me, please.


So conservatives think hiring preferences are wrong? Affirmative action is bad? Fine, be philosophically true to your beliefs. Quit giving preferences to veterans when hiring them for jobs. No more points added to civil service exams. You get it on merit only, no extra credit having to do with anything other than your specific qualifications for the job you’re applying for. Does carrying a rifle in Iraq make you a better meter reader for the city of Cincinnati than someone that didn’t serve? I think not. Be consistent. Either concede some people in some circumstances deserve help, or no one gets any help. Leaving it to YOUR intepretation means you merely want to pick and choose based on which ox you gore today to help your cause.


“By the way, why didn’t the first lady share that the reason she got into Princeton was probably because of affirmative action?”

If she did, that’s probably the most compelling case in favor of Affirmative Action I’ve ever heard voiced. She is thoroughly spectacular in all respects and her education benefits us all.


If it’s true than she is a perfect argument for increasing affirmative action programs.


A Democrat could emerge from left field with scant public or media knowledge of their personal life aside the usual facts. Then Murdoch, Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Coulter and the rest of the crew would create entirely new narratives, maybe even rivaling Whitewater, Troopergate, Behghazi, etc. It doesn’t matter the Dem running or winning, 50% of the country will be targeted for getting convinced their new Prez is Satan’s offspring.


What about Eduardo Rafael Cruz?


Angela got her start by winning a Washington DC beauty contest in 1994.

Imagine if she hadn’t been born pretty.


And McGlowan got on Fox because of her smarts and sterling journalistic resume? Oh wait, I don’t know that so i guess i shouldn’t engage in gossip and innuendo…


Why don’t the rich and powerful ever talk about legacy entries into college. Their stupid kids are taking seats that should otherwise be available for people with real talent.


Wow, nobody is willing to give a little credit to anyone anymore. I am sure being a minority helped their chances to some degree, but that really only matters if they were a good student anyway.

Um, yes, that is the purpose of Affirmative action - to giving DESERVING school and job applicants an opportunity, for the specific purpose of redressing hundreds of years of systemic discrimination. This is news to people at Fox? Or they just have nothing else to bitch about? I seem to recall that the US still has a racial tension or two to work out, so why shouldn’t FLOTUS talk about it? Oh, that’s right, we’re supposed to pretend everything’s fine now. As it is in FoxLand, where blond babes populate the screen, not as Affirmative Action hires, but as T&A hires.


She is married to a white man.

Is she ashamed of her own blackness ? hmmm

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Well, she certainly turned ugly, didn’t she?