Discussion for article #222729
Oh Christ, here we go again.
Turdblossom knows exactly how to poison the air and Faux breathes in deeply.
When Mitt Romney provides his tax returns, Hillary Clinton can provide her far more personal medical records.
When Mitt releases his tax records, Hillary will release her health records.
Gin up more B.S. Fox you low bastards. Fair and balanced? Not so much.
Hillary hasn’t said she’s running yet so I don’t see why she should reveal her medical records.
Give them credit. These guys are truly masters at sitting down with a blank sheet of paper, saying “So what unbelievable bullshit are we going to turn into a national story today?” and making it happen.
Karl Rove says it. Fox News repeats it. And everyone else chases.
For those of us who live in the reality-based world and want to form a more perfect Union, these are truly demoralizing times.
The repug sleaze machine hasn’t even warmed up yet.
This is just so ridiculous!! Hillary Clinton is a private citizen, she doesn’t have to satisfy Mr. Blakeman or keep Rove from looking like an ass!!
How despicable! Now we have the GOP smear machine using coded words like “sealed” - really? Does the so-called sacred doctor-patient relationship they tout now become nefarious as a tool of deception? I suggest they look at her performance-based results - she’s active and taking a high profile public persona that’s hardly indicative of anything but fully functioning.
She hasn’t even declared a run for president. It’s not your fucking business.
Like that would make any difference.
No doctor would be trusted, no medical professional could find the right words. The good Lord himself would be suspect.
Heck, for some of the folks already serving, I’d like to see their medical records too. Let’s make full disclosure, including psychiatric evaluation, a minimum standard for running for office.
Records which are federally protected.
But, please proceed. Republicans can’t talk about the real issues, because they demonstrated again and again that they have no real solutions to any of the problems or concerns we face as a country.
Romney was wrong to withold his tax records.
If Hillary runs she would be wrong not to release some medical records.
She’s aging noticeably and at her age her health will be fair game.
I note that though Warren is only two years younger that she appears much younger than Hillary.
Let me guess. These fuckers will insist on the “long form” medical records.
Warren wasn’t SoS for four years.
I notice that Obama has aged considerably, as all presidents do, since he took office.
Rand Paul’s prostate. Is it really that big? We deserve to know now before he sits in the Oval Office.
Its no wonder that decent people wont run for office. Who wants to put up with this shit?
Rove claims Hillary was in the hospital for 30 days. In truth, it was four. Rather than pointing out the depth of Rove’s dishonesty, another Republican shill jumps in to shield and strengthen the original lie. Clearly, he implies, anyone hospitalized for 30 days (which Fox bolsters with a “health scare” graphic) must have serious health issues that the country has a right to examine.
Dial down the deception, you lying scum.