Discussion: Fox Guest Calls President Obama The 'Rapper-In-Chief' For Using N-Word

they must really be down to their stupidest remaining viewers


This is the front page of political wire and the storied being discussed.

Notice anything different?


Though, let us be clear that if an attractive black woman was pulled in from the fields to work in the Big House, it was almost always for the specific purpose of being available for rape between the chores.

How the hell anyone in the South is still capable of romanticizing and idealizing what went on in those grand plantation houses with the soaring colanades is beyond me. It’s of a piece of the same willful blindness it takes to believe the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, of course.


I see the “pundit” on Fox completely missed the teaching point Obama was making.


Just another example of 6th-grade-level discourse on Fox News. Nuance? Sublety? Not allowed there.


Because by focusing on the n-word, they can ignore the rest of his message.

It’s a great ploy, which only about 15% of Americans will fall for.


And it’s such a forced and transparently disingenuous attempt to spin it that I was laughing out loud watching it. It’s like they found the only African American woman with such a lack of conscience to appear on that segment that they were willing to overlook her acting skills.


On Fox you don’t need skill. Just the ability to read the copy provided. And thinking beyond that is not encouraged.


“The President-in-chief, the rapper-in-chief now, is further dividing our country,” Borelli continued.

This is the new line on what happened in Charleston. It is President Obama’s fault because he is a race divider. Just look at all of these vile, racist comments on MSN’s website blaming President Obama: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/obama-in-first-presidential-podcast-us-not-cured-of-racism/ar-AAbVyT1?ocid=LENDHP

And these are people all using their real names who probably have no idea how racist they actually are. I feel very sad for this country.


You’re welcome.

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The intellectual dishonesty is breathtaking, even for Fox. It makes Jimmy O’Keefe look like a paragon of truthfulness. I guess Fox’s next step is to edit video of Obama saying the syllables “ni” and “ger,” mash them together, and voila!


Embedded within her extreme vapidity (word?) is that since Pres. Obama has now said it, we can ALL say it. Because he said it first and it had never been said before.

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Two things here:

  1. Black people can be ignorant too. Stupidity, like all other traits, is not bound to a skin color.
  2. This is EXACTLY the type of reaction Obama was, in all likelihood, trying to get when he said this. Obama was the first major Democratic leader to hit on the real, effective formula for beating the GOP - stay above the fray and let them out-crazy each other, occasionally poking the seething mass of nonsense with the proverbial stick.

Saying things like “He has really dragged in the gutter-speak of rap music” will appeal to Fox’s audience - Fox knows what its doing, ratings-wise, of that I have no doubt. However, these comments, or similar references to Hillary’s “pantsuits” and the like, only hurt the GOP - like it or not, they’ve tied themselves to that channel now. Everything they say is reflected on the GOP. The more often people like Obama and Hillary send Fox into a tailspin of hate, the crazier the GOP looks.

Obama is winning the next election without running, in my humble opinion.


Thank you! I despise her type more than a nazi.

There’s no real outrage here, and no stupidity. Just a continuation of the Fox cottage industry of marginalizing Obama at every possible turn. No real harm done, either, as not one single opinion among the viewership was changed.


“The man is divisive and he has taken the level of the office of the presidency down to another level by saying these words and he’s continuing — listen, class warfare — you name it,” Borelli said, trying to list what Obama has done wrong. “He’s dividing the country. … He makes it seem like our country is the racist (sic) country in the world, and it’s not.”

‘Gets my Chappelle face on’

This man, Cheney is divisive and he has taken the level of the office of the presidency to another level by saying these words and he’s continuing–listen class warfare-- you name it," Borelli said trying to list what Cheney has done wrong. “He’s divinding the country…He makes it seem like our country is the dumbest nation in the world and it’s not.”

what she she should have thought about saying, before the reported words came out of her Revlon coated lips. Don’t even get me started about Hemmer’s Brooks Brothers…


Borelli? She don’t look Italian to me…mmmmmmmm? Self loathing unattractive ##### it sounds like witch!

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OK then. Rapper in Chief provides outrage to the doddering viewers but resonates with many potential Democratic voters.
Check and mate. Ha.

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