Discussion: 'Fox & Friends' Host To WH: 'You Got Burned' By Employing Alleged Abuser

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“But we also need to look at the process and how it’s worked on historically.


Define historically, 1700’s, 1800’?


“You got burned because you had a two-time accused domestic abuser there at very sensitive position.”

The Presidency?


is that his background check investigation had not been completed yet. It was still in the investigative process and had yet to be adjudicated. So prior to an adjudication, the White House is not going to step into the middle of a process and short circuit it. These investigations are complex. They’re lengthy for a reason. We need to get it right.”

Straight up lie. Porter would never get the necessary clearance.


They are just annoyed, they weren’t invited to the ‘off the record’ Porter meeting …shows what status they have…


“That is not accurate,” Shah replied. “The FBI would not give a background check investigation directly to senior White House officials.”

Right. Because if there’s one thing this White House is noted for, it’s its rigid adherence to protocols.


It’s not the FBI’s processes that are broken, but this Administration’s. They fully knew who Rob Porter was and didn’t give a damn. Now that they’ve been caught, they’re trying to churn up the dust, blaming the FBI, blaming the “process”, hell, they’ve even blamed Obama!!

But it isn’t working and it’s not going to work because the “man” at the top is a lying, serial predator. And everyone sees what’s going on.


Fox just keeps the kettle on full boil. Either way, Fox makes millions off Trump.


Can’t wait to get the news about Faux and fiends and sexual abuse in their personal and professional lives. They do work for Faux, so it is inevitable there is something there.

“Well again, the FBI background check process is one that, again, the FBI runs,

The deep thinking and analysis that defines the DT administration;

and we are a part of it,”

Not clear on this. Is he saying the WH part of the FBI or part of the investigation?;

and it’s been used from previous administrations,

And the inevitable conclusion, it’s all Obama’s fault.


Is Trump still alive? No tweets this am…

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Then Director Wray testified to Congress and now we have the WH caught in yet another lie.

The WH knew in July! that Porter was a problem.

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Is it just me or is it highly suspicious that Fox and Friends are asking their “tough questions” of one of the few people in the WHITE House not named Biff or Barbie?

They seem to be saying Raj’s name an awful lot.

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Hopefully, while this was being broadcast, the Oval Office staff switched the TV to Nick Jr. to prevent 45 from hearing any criticism.


Two seems low

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Is it Shark Week?

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WH got burned but they didn’t get punched which might have increased their motivation.

Thought he said he didn’t like sharks…?

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Yeah. It doesn’t quite work.

Couldn’t resist dragging Shark Week into things.

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I have never, ever, ever been this embarrassed for this long for our country and its stupid ass chief executive (I still cannot call him President)!