Discussion: Fox Denies It 'Specifically' Told Editor To Avoid Discussing Climate Change

Discussion for article #222237

Itā€™s in an email and can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Itā€™s a damn good thing youā€™re not in court.


This whole event will be the subject of Al Frankenā€™s next book, Denials and the Denying Deniers who Deny Them.


They made broad hints in the murky, rain-filled Green Room:
Those little coffee creamer cups were filled with sand, coffee weak and tepid.
Bagels & donuts spelled out ā€˜Science Sucksā€™.
FOX A/C was on and running cold under fluorescent lights.
The ā€˜Friendsā€™ and crew all had horrible intestinal gas.


ā€œTo say he was told specifically not to discuss it, would be false.ā€

Ah, thereā€™s nothinā€™ like fancy smart-mouth lawyer talk, is there?


Oh, those pesky liberal facts once again. Constantly interfering with the RWNJ echo-chamber.


It might be relevant to point out that Fox News went to court specifically to assert their right to lie (and they won that case).


Ha I was right, Fox is trying to make the Scientific American editor out to be a liar.


I see ā€œscientistā€ and FOX news in the same sentence and all I can think is :oil and water.


All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies.

kurt vonnegut


Itā€™s always the cover-up that trips them up. Did they learn nothing from Nixon. Besides dirty ticks and the Southern strategy, of course.

A friend of mine, who is a conservative writer, was invited on Hannity to promote and discuss his latest book. He was told directly the terms he had to accept: you agree to discuss whatever the issue of the day is. You will find a way to blame the Obama administration for whatever it is. You agree not to try to be too ā€œreasonableā€ in arguing the other side. He said he wasnā€™t comfortable with those terms and declined the invite. He is quite right wing, but at least has some degree of intellectual honesty. But think of all the guests who have said yes.


Iā€™d like to see the supposed agreement in writing. Even for Faux Noise this type of thing seems to be too damaging to them to be true.

ā€œI didnā€™t realize that the drumbeat of conservative propaganda was so ubiquitous on the show.ā€

Seriously? How could he have not have known? Thatā€™s why Fox and Friends EXISTS. They have invisible toms-toms in both hands.


Fox News blows. Sadly, however, the content of this article does not support the headline.

ā€œā€¦can we replace the climate change with something else?ā€ does not equal ā€œProof Fox Told Him Not To Talk Climate Change.ā€ Itā€™s proof that Fox asked him not to discuss it. I would love to know what would have happened if Moyer had said, ā€œNo, climate change is tied to this topic to an extent that it shouldnā€™t be left out of the conversation.ā€


Didnā€™t know about the drumbeat of agitprop? This editor must live a very sheltered life. If he had been just a bit more savvy, he would have (as @trnc suggested above) told them he intended to talk about climate change. Their response to that would have been worth having. This? Not so much.


Fox News will soon be hiring new personnel:

Bill Deny, The Science Guy.


itā€™s semantics. The email which the scientist quoted seems to communicate a request, not a demand. The Fox VP denies that any demand or command was made to not discuss climate change.


You are 100% correct. Hereā€™s the link: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/07/31/364678/-Fox-News-wins-in-court#

What happened if editor said no, that he wanted to talk climate change? I would bet a million dollars that Fox would have said donā€™t come on. If I was the editor I would have snuck in the climate change talk in the middle of their Obama bashing. They probably wouldnā€™t even have noticed because the sound of their own voices is the only sound they hear.