Fox Corp. Emerges As Standalone Company, Names Paul Ryan To Board
Wingnut Welfare Lives!
Payback time…
washing away any last vestiges of the mirage of the smart wonky conservative savior of the future of the party. Oh, his Speakership already erased that image.
Disney excises the cancer that is Fox News and innoculates itself from future boycotts due to various continuing idiocies.
They forgot to add he was able to kiss the Koch’s and Trump’s ass at the same time.
Good, he doesn’t have to throw out those business cards which read “Paul Ryan – Professionally Useless”
Once again its like a cancer cell absorbing everything around it that it can get close to. Let’s just say RAyn was ripe for absorption.
“Mr. Paul D. Ryan served as the 54th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2015 to 2019, in which capacity he spearheaded efforts to revise the federal tax code,…”
There it is. Not even a pretense of qualification or expertise. Straight-out quid pro quo: Ryan scratched our back and here’s his check.
“…announced Tuesday the hiring of former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to its board of directors.”
The “hiring?” Board members are not hired.
It may be a pipe dream…but in some places, an outlet cannot broadcast lies.
That is the only way to deal with this.
A reverse Ronnie.
It takes political participation
Billionaires Reward Bagman With Cushy Stipend After Successful Robbery; Film Every Day
And the self-immolation continues, full-speed.
Disney to FOX: We’ll take Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. You can keep Sean, Tucker, Steve, Jeanine, and we’ll throw in rAyn so you’ll think it’s an even swap. Suckers.
Just waiting for that new segment on 19th Century Fox, “The Ayn Rand Hour” hosted by You-Know-Who!
“Tuesday marked the full separation of the Fox Corporation from Twenty-First Century Fox…”
and its full incorporation into the Republican Party.
With FOX hiring all these politicians we will soon get at the truth!
Hard to fathom that this Randian dick head has been on welfare in one form or another for nearly his entire life. What would Ayn say Paul?