Discussion: Fox Business Reporter Goes After 'Fat Slob' At CNBC In Harsh Twitter Rant

Discussion for article #229952

Stay classy Fox.


Fucking 8th grader.


What a dick. No wonder he’s on FAUX business


Man, it’s like the typical name calling that occurs on message boards. Every time I’m critical of a politician or someone in the media, the right wing message boarders will attack me personally as if I attacked them personally. It’s pretty nasty.


Is there a name for the mental illness where by people engage in arguments by repeatedly insulting their opponent without offering any substance whatsoever, and then declaring overwhelming victory? I’ve dealt with a few such people, but hadn’t noticed a trend until seeing this guy do it. And one of their traits is using projection to declare that their opponent was hopelessly resorting to cheap insults because they had nothing better to say, when that’s all they were doing the entire time. And lastly, even their insults are of poor quality, so they don’t even have that going for them.

Because I can understand why people use insults instead of arguments, but I don’t understand how these people can ONLY rely on insults, while imagining this helps them win debates on substance. And then the worst is when they spend the second half of the debate running victory laps repeatedly, truly believing themselves to have thoroughly vanquished their foe.

And as much as you try to explain to them that they couldn’t possibly have won since they didn’t say anything real, you’ll only have them rub your nose in their victory yet again. And they’ll insist you’re delusional because you won’t admit that you lost. They see themselves as the judge and jury of all debates, and act as if there was some objective criteria by which they can be declared the winner. If there’s not a name for this, there should be.


If Insana gets a choice of weapons in a duel with this guy, he should choose grammar.


He’s mad as hell and he’s not going to take it any more…


I have always thought there was something wrong with Gasparino. Now I know I am right.


Seems like the sledgehammer Gasparino was holding slipped, and he whacked himself in the head.


Back in a different era - circa the year 2000 p.d. (pre-divorce), when I had a chance at a real retirement, I went through a period where I actually thought watching CNBC might aid me in planning for that retirement (that brief period ended in apx the same year, 2000-2001 p.d.) I quickly came to my senses, but the two people I was impressed by at CNBC were Ron Insana and David Faber. They truly stuck out.

And now, I think I’ll go see if I can find that video of Elizabeth Warren using Joe Kernen as a human mop.


Spartacus is the new name for that. Same delusional jerk, latest new name.

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To that last tweet, I’d reply, “Define winning.”

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I’m mister DERP!

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I think it’s called adolescence.


Oh those Faux News folks are so so classy. . . . NOT

What really upsets Faux Business Channel? CNBC cleans their clock in viewership numbers by a large multiple.


(Even amongst the Faux Not Really News demographic)


Do people actually go to that lopsided wop for financial advice? I’ll stick with CNBC thank you.


Another instance of white on white violence! What is wrong with these thugs? I bet they come from broken homes where the women take slut pills. White thugs… They need to be locked up like animals.


Liz Claman used to work with all the CNBC folks, too, bet this kind of crap is embarrassing for her to be a part of. Or at least I hope it is.