Discussion: Fox Business Network's Initial Ratings Similar To CNBC Debate

Discussion for article #242742

¨And that @CNBC is how you run a debate.¨ Reince Priebus

If you want to avoid getting any informative or substantive answers.


And that @CNBC is how you run a debate.

And yet the weakness of this field was still on full display.


Did Jeb Bush diss Marco Rubio during a break in the debate? They say no. I say who cares? The best part of the clip is Trump who seems to know how to play to the camera.


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“Now…all we have to do is duplicate this for the General”

                                     -Reince Priebus-

I turned it off after an hour of mindlessness and posturing. I’m weary of these people.


A 6% drop isn’t significant? I expect most businesses would not be thrilled with a 6% revenue drop.

I guess when Josh Marshall is begging for subscribers and “we only need six percent more to meet our goal!” the response can be ‘you’re getting similar to what you wanted, good enough’.


Reince: "Were there any deaths? We showed that if given the chance, Republicans can ‘govern’ rather well.’

(quote marks are naturally mine.)

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Initial ratings for Fox Business Network’s Republican presidential debate on Tuesday night show that the network drew about 10 million viewers, close to the 14 million viewers who tuned in to the CNBC debate in October, according to CNN.

The Fox Business Network earned a 8.9 rating, while the CNBC debate earned a 9.5 rating.

A car crash by any other name…


I took a rare trip over to CNN and from reading their recap, one would think that the majority of contestants gave virtuoso performances in a thrilling debate. What a sad state of affairs for the national media.


The idea that you can say 10 million is close to 14 million is ridiculous…it’s a difference of 40%, meaning that 40% more viewers watched the CNBC debate. The Fox “moderators” were a joke, they lobbed softballs and allowed the candidates to go over time and interrupt incessantly. The only time Cavuto was concerned was when he talked about bank bailouts, he seemed very concerned that his buddies in the Wall Street Casino be protected from their inevitable losses with the public treasury.


One must look at this as Priebus would look at it:

  • Republicans don’t care about the average American.
  • All of the candidates support policies that will harm the average
  • Few of the candidates are qualified for the job of President and
    those who are aren’t interested in governing.

If these things become apparent during a debate, the Party will suffer. In last night’s debate, these things were not disclosed.

Result: Epic win!



the RNC wanted to control the audio and the visual.

Whatever comes next is on them.



In future debates I’d like each candidate to prop upon their podium their favorite superhero lunch box. That would inform me much more about their policy intentions than what they say.

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Republicans attacked NBC while praising Fox News Network – color me absolutely stunned!!!

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This guy right here:

To quote an article on Augustus St. Cloud:

“St. Cloud’s superpower is having a lot of money”

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The question I have is this: How does this help any of the Republican nominees? Being allowed to deliver short infomercials does nothing for them in the long run. Collectively, it doesn’t do much for them in the short run. All they got out of it was a lackluster “debate” that won’t likely move the needle in anyone’s direction, so they maintain the status quo going into the holidays when Americans are least likely to pay attention to politics. People wonder when Carson, Trump, and Cruz will exit the debate. With debates like this, how can they? Better yet, why would they? If Carson and Trump can kind of coast through the next two or three debates without ever getting push back on substantive issues, if no one ever says, “according to math, x, y, and z are impossible”, how do they disqualify themselves from the race?


It’s not just some infomercials. It’s also a half dozen news networks circle-jerking about what a ‘brilliant debate performance’ everyone had.


You lasted 15 minutes longer than I did :o)