Discussion for article #235388
Unless this jackhammer has some insider information, he’s just shitting on the floor and reading into the shit patterns anything he knows might well anger FOX Entertainment’s core audience. Good grief, these people aren’t even grasping at straws in the dark anymore – they’re flat out making up strawmen not at all based in reality.
It really is a race to see who on the right can make the most over-the-top statement about Pres. Obama.
Remember that 12 year old yesterday blabbering about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? This is his role model. This is who he’s hoping to grow up to be, or will be in about 30 years. Sad commentary on our times.
Yep. And extra points given if you’re Black on top of it.
Where does Fox find these people?
Sigh… there’s regular stupid, and then there’s “Fox News STUPID”. Which must be capitalized and bolded to show just how freaking stupid Fox News is.
Fox News is reaching “Infowars” levels of crazy stupid shit being peddled. That’s kind of sad for what it means to the Conservative moment (what’s left of it anyway, not that I ever gave a damn about it). And more importantly, very freaking sad when I think about the amount of crazy stupid shit I’ll have to put up with whenever I visit my parents… groan.
If that kid continues on his current path, he will be just like Clarence Thomas.
President Obama is leaving soon, with quite a lot of solid accomplishments, this poor guy must continue to sell fuckery to old white republicans, pay your bills bro, do you… Prick.
FOX Business: The show with 1000 viewers A DAY.
Isn’t it sad what this Uncle Tom has to say to keep his salary rolling in?
Charles Payne is by far the least intelligent person ever to be on any TV show. BY FAR.
Poor kid. Wicked parents.
The Tea Party News Network
'Nuff said…
Uncle Tom
Tio Tomas
Here’s how the RW Fear Factor works:
- Think about your deepest darkest fear, or most outlandish accusation you can think of.
- Imagine that President Obama is going to perform this on you.
- Tell as many people as possible and stoke their fears unnecessarily.
- If you are lucky, you may even get the mainstream media to pick up your story and report it as “news”.
Can’t wait till Charles Payne begins a segment about how the President will usher in the zombie apocalypse…
That was my thought. This will be picked up the crazy sites and repeeated back and forth and pretty soon it looks like something people are talking about.
…that has lasted nearly 7 years-- with no pit-stops.
This morning, all across America, tens of thousands of Fox viewers–unable to differentiate facts from this cretin’s idle, unsupported speculations–are now telling their friends: “Now they’re saying Obummer’s planning to pay reparations…” as though it were gospel.
These people really need to calm down. Don’t they realize they’re going to have to top it for the next president? They’re using up all their good stuff…
Which person is whose role model again?