Discussion for article #242197
Lucky for Carson the GOP voter is incapable of cognitive dissonance, or that whole “What’s a community organizer?” episode would be biting him in the ass.
oh good… a socially & morally backward retard is overtaking a socially & morally backward blowhard…
I will give the good Dr credit for being what appears to be an autistic savant in field of pediatric neurosurgery…
This is good news for everyone. Remember who won the Iowa caucus in 2012?
Ricky baby, come on down!
Sewin’ up the twitter vote —
why oh why do we give so much prominence to a fly over state with a non-farmer population of, like, 15 people? if i want to know more about crop rotation or animal husbandry, Iowans might be first on the list of who to learn from, but the Iowa caucuses are the clown car of US politics. and lest you think i have a bias against hayseeds, I grew up in small town Indiana so i know of what i speak - enough already!
This man is creepy.
if this guy is the nominee, Democrats will get 110% of the Black vote
The last two winners of the GOP Iowa Caucus were Santorum in 2012 and Huckabee in 2008.
It is more congregation than caucus.
He’s pretty damn awesome at the grifting business, too. He did a fugging book-promotion tour during a campaign!