Drain. The. F_ckin’. Swamp! Start with Donnie!
Well, at least he didn’t wear a tan suit.
I wonder, will the Dem House decide to hold the purse strings a bit more tightly and deny him some of these future expenses?
Bout to find out / there’s no way that this slides.
This makes me want to scream. They could give a rip about what it’s costing the tax payers. Does tRump have a clue about the cost of this and all his golf excursions? He thinks he entitled and we can just suck it.
Well, it’s a nice B-C N-Heron, anyway.
We’ll refer to Donnie as a person of wealth
Our Wealth
And then we’ll have to pay his room and board when we lock him up
Thank the stars we got our bigly tax cut before this hit…
Cost Taxpayers $13.6M
that’s probably nothing compared to the ’ tips ’ ……
left on the lunch tables —
But Hillary lacked the “stamina” for the job, she would have taken far more than 84 days of vacation so far at just one resort had she been elected.
yep, the best, the greatest of all time, a genius, highest IQ, smarter than any other human being.
He wins big. History will not forget.
Those aren’t the only government costs of Trump family travel the report explored.
I hope the report explored that well-deserved “Executress Time” and included the Empress’ off-shore travels for fashion shoots (clothed) as well as her much needed “me time(s)” in Florida and New York.
“Is beddy hawd to be de belahved like I em.” she said.
Some of us might think it’s a fabulous use of tax payer’s money to house the Lump in jail, nothing too fancy, please.
A nationwide tour of one-night stands in local drunk tanks.
But , but Eric said that he hasnt been away from the White House in three weeks !
Whos lyin* ?
His seized assets will more than pay for his and his Klan’s upkeep in a style they will have to get accustomed to.
I think it would be a good bargain for taxpayers if we offered Trump another $13.6 million to go to Mar-A-Lago and stay there, and trouble us no more. He’s so venal, he might just take that deal.
And Marcy Wheeler reminds us
Not good enough. He should pay the money back, go to prison, and never be heard from again. Ever. As someone earlier said, I would welcome paying his room and board if it’s solitary confinement.