Discussion: Four-Star Football Recruit Decommits From Oklahoma After Racist Frat Chant

Discussion for article #234122

so, out of the frying pan and into the fryer? that makes sense.


Put the frat boys on the O Line. Just for live practices of course.


Alabama certainly has its problems, but Tuscaloosa understands the value of 4 star black recruits on campus.

To a large degree, that is why Univ. of Mississippi has gone to such lengths to remove their mascot (a confederate officer) and the singing of “Dixie” at football games. They were having far too many black recruits telling them bluntly that there was no way they were going to school at such a place.


Good on Jean Delance.


Good for him ! Well done.


I guess actions have consequences.


Welp, now those frat boys are really in deep shit.


That’s right. I used to work at Ole Miss, and had multiple conversations with student athletes who explained they were initially very reluctant to consider Ole Miss because of its reputation.

Change is slow. Then Chancellor Khayat banned the carrying of sticks into Vaught Stadium–in 97 or so. Sticks? WTF?

Hard to fly a flag without a stick.

He received death threats for that.

I imagine the current Chancellor has received a few, too, especially after he forbade the band from playing even an excerpt from Dixie in the halftime medley because the students kept chanting “The South will rise again” at the end. Why does the Chancellor care? I’m sure he has noble reasons. I’m also pretty sure it’s that he understands how bad that makes it for recruiting.

I’ll take the progress regardless of the underlying motivation for it.


well, that certainly makes it much better not.

The only thing worse than the racism that persists in America today is anyone who says this is a “post-racism” society and all that’s long gone.


Damn. Was hoping he’d sign with Baylor.

Worse still are the people who say the only racism is anti-white racism in the name of “political correctness”.

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“was clearly disturbed by the racist frat video from”

So he went to Alabammy instead?

Head hurts…


They also understood the value of a “well bred” and “athletic” black man in the 1840s. They’d even check his teeth before the investment…


If racism in frats is the reason to not attend a D1 football school, there aren’t too many places to attend.


If vulgar racism is what the young man wants to avoid a move to Alabama from Oklahoma is jumping out of the pan and into the fire.


Delance cited "personal reasons…He quickly tweeted that he had received an offer from the University of Alabama.

Because the University of Alabama only has racist sororities??
University of Alabama Sorority Felt Blacks Were 'Bad for Our Status:


Glad to see he’s giving OK the stiff arm, but why not come to the University of Minnesota? I mean, if you’re protesting racism, Alabama?


True story. Rice University was founded by New York oilman William Marsh Rice as an engineering institute for young white Texans and by the terms of his will the school couldn’t admit anyone who wasn’t white. When its football glory started to fade in the face of opponents who simply recruited the best players regardless of race, the administrators were finally motivated to get their lawyers to break the will so they could enroll black football players. It didn’t solve their problem, as the football program there still sucks, but at least it dragged them into the modern era.

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