Discussion for article #239730
Oh I can’t wait! Please…die already.
Fearless prediction: there will be a familiarity about this speech even though he hasn’t given it. It’ll begin with Enemies Everywhere, Obama Bad, War Good,
Here’s a little preview: “BOO!”
Halliburton must not stand to profit from thawing diplomatic relations with Iran.
Before or after he bites the heads off of live chickens?
I’m sorry Dick, I can’t hear you. What were you saying?
Scores of high-level American military leaders support the Iran deal.
For example, the following 35 military officials – from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps – signed a letter urging support for the deal:
General James “Hoss” Cartwright, U.S. Marine Corps
General Joseph P. Hoar, U.S. Marine Corps
General Merrill “Tony” McPeak, U.S. Air Force
General Lloyd W. “Fig” Newton, US. Air Force
Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., U.S. Army
Lieutenant General Arlen D. Jameson, U.S. Air Force
Lieutenant General Frank Kearney, U.S. Army
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, U.S. Army
Lieutenant General Donald L. Kerrick, U.S. Army
Lieutenant General Charles P. Otstott, U.S. Army
Lieutenant General Norman R. Seip, U.S. Air Force
Lieutenant General James M. Thompson, U.S. Army
Vice Admiral Kevin P. Green, U.S. Navy
Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn, US. Navy
Major General George Buskirk, US Army
Major General Paul D. Eaton, U.S. Army
Major General Marcelite J. Harris, U.S. Air Force
Major General Frederick H. Lawson, U.S. Army Major General William L. Nash, U.S. Army
Major General Tony Taguba, U.S. Army
Rear Admiral John Hutson, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Malcolm MacKinnon HI, US. Navy
Rear Admiral Edward “Sonny” Masco, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Joseph Sestak, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Garland “Gar” P. Wright, US. Navy
Brigadier General John Adams, US. Air Force
Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney, U.S. Marine Corps
Brigadier General Patricia “Pat” Foote, U.S. Army
Brigadier General Lawrence E. Gillespie, U.S. Army
Brigadier General John Johns, U.S. Army
Brigadier General David McGinnis, U.S. Army
Brigadier General Stephen Xenakis, U.S. Army
Rear Admiral James Arden “Jamie” Barnett, Jr., U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Jay A. DeLoach, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Harold L. Robinson, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Alan Steinman, U.S. Coast Guard
General Martin Dempsey – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – agrees.
So does Admiral Cecil E.D. Haney, U.S. Navy, who is commander of the U.S. Strategic Command.
And Admiral Eric Olson, U.S. Navy, who was Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command.
So do:
Secretary of Defense William Perry
National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski
National Security Advisor General Brent Scowcroft
National Security Advisor Samuel Berger
Secretary of State Madeline Albright
Assistant Secretary of Defense and Chairman National Intelligence Council Joseph Nye
Director for Iran, National Security Council and Deputy Coordinator for Sanctions Policy at the Department of State Richard Nephew
National Security Council Member for Iran and the Persian Gulf Gary Sick
Numerous additional high-level American defense, intelligence and diplomatic officials
Scores of top Israeli generals and intelligence chiefs endorse the deal as well.
So do 340 U.S. rabbis from across the political spectrum. And the majority of American Jews. And see this.
Well if The Dick says something, surely it will change hearts and minds everywhere.
Yeah, I’m sure there are tons of Democratic senators that want to align themselves with Darth Cheney.
This is an unintended gift to the POTUS.
And btw, would even one reporter ask this lying fool how he didn’t know that weakening Iraq would strengthen Iran?
Be still, my heart.
Every day I pray that Dick Cheney goes to heaven. Right Now.
And I certainly hope that a group of law enforcement officers from Den Haag are in the audience.
Remind me, which administration allowed 9/11 to happen?
Does he ever stop biting heads off chickens?
I really don’t want to read the article right now because I’m really intent on keeping down my lunch. Anything Cheney tends to bring on the nausea.
Unfortunately, I see its time for me to get out the old suction-tipped dart gun from the basement toy box, and prepare myself for shooting at my TV again. When this fuckwad’s mug shows up on my TV, makes a spectacle of himself again…its War I tell ya…No quarter.
I plan to honor the brits who marked Thatcher’s passing by playing Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead, when Chickenhawk Cheney finally dies.
I heard that if you have them by their balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
There’ll be free chips and Mr. Pibb on tap…
Considering Cheney “had better things to do” when it was time to show courage and get his ass to Vietnam, I question his having any balls whatsoever.