Unless we’re talking about Bill Clinton’s settlement with Paula Jones, or course.
One of the things I learned last night n TRMS was that Fred Trump was getting government subsides for renting to a percentage of disadvantaged ( I’m not sure of the exact term used). So not only did little Trumpster have tax payers absorb his debt in bankruptcies the wealth he is so proud of came from us tax payers. Enough of his schilling.
Rachel Maddow covered this extensively last night, and she pointed out that the first lawsuit (I believe) was directed solely at Trump’s business, and that he was brought to court again for not complying with the court’s orders. Only later were other rental agencies grouped together in a different challenge. So, yes, once again, Trump is lying.
Oh poor Hope how is a mere woman suppose to keep track of all the many, many, many lawsuits against and brought by HOTOG?
Close enough for a Trumpanzee!
Trump: “You know I don’t rent to the N-word.”
The campaign later responded:
"Obviously, that’s refuted by the lady at rallies with the ‘Blacks For Trump’ sign.
This is just another lie from the media and bankers and people with names like Leibowitz."
OT: Flashback…
Leona Helmsley… Hotelier, real estate investor… “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”
What if someone was only half Nebraskan?
With his supporters, Trump could use this as a campaign ad and get votes!
I asked a hooker for a half-Nebraskan once.
I said right after the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood bus video turned up… the media already has Donald Trump himself mouthing the N-word, and as anyone. except Trump of course, knows revealing information is not about doing it when you get it but when you need it.
I’m pretty sure the media got it from the Clinton Campaign or is about to get it from them… Fair Game? OH, YOU BETCHA!
Trump: Stanley’s memory is a disaster. It has never been the same since Fawn’s death.
But, but, but… Donald told us that nobody loves Teh Blacks™ more than he does.
How can this be?
Ummmm, I think you may be doing something wrong. OTOH, you may be one of those technicality fetish people I keep on hearing about at the local Walmart.
A Trump campaign spokeswoman said in an email to NBC News that there was “absolutely no merit to the allegations.”
Correction: there is no merit in the entire family.
I’m from NYC, and people knew about this. And about his father’s participation in KKK activities (“enrobed”, in the lovely word from the police report… and I don’t mean coated in delicious chocolate). And about the fact that he did well only because real estate went up around him. Given the overall change in real estate values, Trump did much worse than he should have, and is not considered much of a player in the NYC market.
This sort of scandal preaches to the choir. Those opposed to racism already will not vote for Trump. We need something else to sway the undecided white voters. Something in which Trump rants against the very interests and identity of the white working class voters he purportedly cares about.
538 shows Hillary’s lead shrinking and with two weeks yet I’m worried. She could totally lose this. And November 1st the news will be dominated by the rate hikes in the health insurance exchanges. The bottom could yet fall out of Hillary’s campaign if she doesn’t have a damn good proposal to deal with said hikes.